<br /> Subdivision 1. Building permits. (a)Fees for building permits submitted as required in section 32613.107
<br /> include:
<br /> (1)the fee as set forth in the fee schedule in paragraph(b)or as adopted by a municipality; and
<br /> (2)the surcharge required by section 32613.148.
<br /> (b)The total valuation and fee schedule is:
<br /> (1) $1 to $500, $21;
<br /> (2)$501 to$2,000, $21 for the first$500 plus $2.75 for each additional$100 or fraction thereof,to and
<br /> including $2,000;
<br /> (3) $2,001 to $25,000, $62.25 for the first $2,000 plus $12.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction
<br /> thereof, to and including $25,000;
<br /> (4) $25,001 to $50,000, $349.75 for the first $25,000 plus $9 for each additional $1,000 or fraction
<br /> thereof,to and including $50,000;
<br /> (5)$50,001 to $100,000, $574.75 for the first$50,000 plus$6.25 for each additional$1,000 or fraction
<br /> thereof,to and including $100,000;
<br /> (6) $100,001 to $500,000, $887.25 for the first$100,000 plus $5 for each additional$1,000 or fraction
<br /> thereof,to and including $500,000;
<br /> (7) $500,001 to $1,000,000, $2,887.25 for the first$500,000 plus $4.25 for each additional $1,000 or
<br /> fraction thereof,to and including $1,000,000; and
<br /> (8)$1,000,001 and up,$5,012.25 for the first$1,000,000 plus$2.75 for each additional$1,000 or fraction
<br /> thereof.
<br /> (c) Other inspections and fees are:
<br /> (1)inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge two hours), $63.25 per hour;
<br /> (2)reinspection fees, $63.25 per hour;
<br /> (3) inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated(minimum charge one-half hour), $63.25 per
<br /> hour; and
<br /> (4) additional plan review required by changes, additions, or revisions to approved plans (minimum
<br /> charge one-half hour), $63.25 per hour.
<br /> (d)If the actual hourly cost to the jurisdiction under paragraph(e)is greater than$63.25,then the greater
<br /> rate shall be paid.Hourly cost includes supervision,overhead,equipment,hourly wages,and fringe benefits
<br /> of the employees involved.
<br /> [See Note.]
<br /> Subd. 2. Plan review. Fees for the review of building plans, specifications, and related documents
<br /> submitted as required by section 326B.106 must be paid based on 65 percent of the building permit fee
<br /> required in subdivision 1.
<br /> Copyright 9 2018 by the Revisor of Statutes,State of Minnesota.All Rights Reserved.
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