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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—FEBRUARY 25, 2019 5 <br /> getting what they wanted from the City, the County has demanded mediation, which was not a <br /> transparent process. He stated the City had gone through a transparent process in creating the <br /> TCAAP Redevelopment Code, in discussing the City's goals and by participating in the JDA. At <br /> the end of the day, he believed the County just wanted more. He was unsure how the County <br /> could mediate for more. Therefore, he would not support the City entering into mediation with <br /> the County when he personally did not know what the differences were between the City and the <br /> County. He was of the opinion staff and the City Attorney drafted a very nice letter to the County <br /> what the City's position was. He stated he supported this letter. <br /> Mayor Grant commented on the original agreement that was between the City and the County <br /> noting the City was to complete the planning, zoning and utility work, while the County would <br /> remediate the property and sell it to a developer. He explained it appears the County has now <br /> become the developer. He reported the City has met all of the requested timelines, agrees to build <br /> a water tower, agrees to put in the trunk utilities, has completed an AUAR, and has completed a <br /> redevelopment code. He noted the County reviewed and approved the redevelopment code. <br /> Mayor Grant indicated the County has held discussions with the developer without the City <br /> being included. As it turns out, the City had not heard from the County until March of 2018 that a <br /> framework with the developer had been reached. He noted the City was not aware of this <br /> framework but was notified by the press. He reported the framework was based upon 1,460 units <br /> and the associated zoning. He commented as of September 4, 2018 the County brought forward a <br /> document that supported 1,460 units. He noted the County approved and supported 1,460 units on <br /> four separate occasions and has since walked away from negotiations. <br /> Mayor Grant stated the Council was previously at 1,280 units within the development and <br /> negotiated with the County up to 1,460 units. He noted the changes being requested by the County <br /> would require changes to the Redevelopment Code which would spin the clock back to December <br /> of 2016. He commented the economy was good, the agreements were in place and he believed the <br /> development should move forward as is. He expressed frustration that the County would not <br /> provide the City with specifics that were being asked for within the proposed mediation. He <br /> questioned how the City was to understand an impasse has been reached when no specifics were <br /> being offered. <br /> Mayor Grant stated at the February 4 JDA meeting the developer stated they have had no <br /> conversations with the County. He indicated the County was no longer talking to the developer or <br /> the City. He indicated Commissioner Huffman stated at this meeting that the County was <br /> negotiating in good faith. He did not believe this was happening when the County was no longer <br /> talking to anyone. He encouraged the County to come back to the table and take into <br /> consideration the implications of their actions. He commented on all of the agreements that were <br /> already in place for this development. He stated he did not want Rice Creek Commons to be a <br /> slippery slope where everything changes on a month to month basis. Rather, he wanted this <br /> agreement to have solid footing place so that it could move forward. <br /> Mayor Grant indicated he was unsure what the County was proposing but noted both the City <br /> and County wanted this project to be sustainable. He noted the property only had two access <br /> points and reported the site could only support so much density. He believed that the plan in place <br /> would enable some sustainability. He feared that changing the density would put the plan at risk. <br />