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<br />_____________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for April 3, 2019 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2019\19-001 Brausen – Final PUD\Memos Reports <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />Perennials and Shrubberies – Exceeds Requirements <br />The Zoning Code requires a minimum of 10 percent of the total landscaped area to be covered <br />with perennials and/or shrubbery. The total landscaped area on the site is 18,243 square feet, <br />meaning a minimum of 1,824 square feet of perennial and shrubbery cover is required. The <br />proposed landscape plan includes new landscaping on the north and west sides of the building, <br />separating the building from surrounding parking lots. The proposed perennial and shrub planting <br />beds total 1,979 square feet, which is 11 percent of the total landscaped area. Underground <br />irrigation will be provided for these planting beds. <br /> <br />Planting Islands – Meets Requirements <br />All proposed parking will be along the sides of the building. There will not be rows or large <br />expanses of parking. The perennial and shrub planting beds will separate the building from the <br />parking areas. <br /> <br />Tree Selection – Meets Requirements <br />The proposed landscape plan includes a variety of tree species, including maples, oaks and <br />evergreens, ranging in size from 2-3 caliper inches. This is consistent with ordinance requirements. <br />The Applicant is proposing to plant eight (8) foot tall evergreens. <br /> <br />C. Drainage Wetlands and Flood Plain – Section 1325.05 Subd. 2 – Meets Requirements <br />Currently, stormwater on the site flows to a detention basin located on the southwest corner of the <br />property. The proposed drainage plan includes improvements to the detention basin, including <br />riprap, berms on the western edge of the basin, and a retaining wall on the east side of the basin. <br />The banks of the basin will be lined with an erosion control blanket and seeded with a low <br />maintenance turf grass mix. <br /> <br />D. Lighting – Section 1325.05 Subd. 3 – Meets Requirements <br />Many existing lighting fixtures will be salvaged and reinstalled. Accent lighting will be included <br />on the north side of the building. The Applicant is proposing LED architectural lighting along the <br />roof line. As a condition of approval, other than wash or architectural lighting, attached security <br />lighting shall be shoebox style, downward directed with flush lens. In addition, any entry lighting <br />under canopies shall be recessed and use a flush lens. <br /> <br />E. Screening – Section 1325.05 Subd. 4 - Meets Requirements <br />The Zoning Code requires mechanical operating equipment located on the ground or roof to be <br />screened from adjacent streets. All operating equipment, except gas pumps, will be located inside <br />the proposed building. <br /> <br />F. Requirements for Parking, Loading, and Circulation – Section 1325.06 - Exceeds Requirements <br />The proposed project will host retail, office, and service station uses. Each use is subject to <br />minimum parking requirements in the Zoning Code, detailed in the table below. Between the retail, <br />office, and service station uses, a total of 76 parking stalls are required for the site. A total of 53 <br />surface parking stalls will be provided. An additional 10 parking stalls are available at the gas <br />pumps, and another 12 parking stalls are provided as repair bays in the garages and seven (7) proof <br />of parking stalls. This is six (6) more spaces than required by Zoning Code. It is anticipated that