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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—MARCH 25, 2019 12 <br /> Councilmember McClung reported the Fire Board met last Wednesday at Station 4 and <br /> discussed the space constraints at this station. <br /> Councilmember Holmes discussed an email the Council received from the Arden Hillbillies <br /> regarding the development of TCAAP noting this email was forwarded to Representative Blake <br /> Huffman. She encouraged residents to continue to bring their comments or concerns to the <br /> Council. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated she would be missing two meetings in April. <br /> Councilmember Holden expressed concern with the lack of communication County <br /> Commissioner Huffman has had with the City. She encouraged Commissioner Huffman to follow <br /> through with his promise to provide the City with information as promised. <br /> Councilmember Holden discussed the 10 properties that had improperly working water meters. <br /> She noted she stopped by four of these properties and spoke with the residents. She stated she <br /> would be willing to meet with the remaining residents if she had assistance. <br /> Councilmember Scott volunteered to assist Councilmember Holden with this task. <br /> Councilmember Holden addressed the comment that the City Council was stalling the <br /> development of TCAAP. She commented the City completed its work in December of 2016 and <br /> has yet to have the County move towards their part of the project. She explained the City did not <br /> want to move to mediation because further information was needed from the County in order for <br /> the City to develop specific responses. <br /> Mayor Grant thanked the Council and staff for bearing with him this evening. He stated this was <br /> an important meeting and he appreciated the fact a full Council was present. <br /> Mayor Grant discussed the TCAAP project and noted this endeavor began as a zoning and <br /> master plan that was put together with resident involvement. He stated this plan was supported <br /> and approved by Ramsey County in December of 2016. He indicated the County's next <br /> deliverable was to negotiate the land sale. Up until February of 2018,the City had been left out of <br /> all discussions regarding the TCAAP development. He commented if the City were to believe the <br /> statements of the developer, they have not been in discussions with the County either. He <br /> reported the City Council remains open to moving this project forward. He explained the Joint <br /> Development Authority (JDA) would meet next on Monday, April 1, 2019, at City Hall at 5:30 <br /> p.m. <br /> Mayor Grant thanked Public Works for clearing the storm sewer drains in the City. <br />