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Actual Variance With <br />Original Budget Final Budget Amounts Final Budget <br />Expenditures (continued) <br />Current (continued) <br />Public safety (continued) <br />Protective inspections <br />Personal services 270,500 270,500 245,917 24,583 <br />Materials and supplies 3,046 2,646 188 2,458 <br />Other services and charges 69,200 69,600 63,608 5,992 <br />Total protective inspections 342,746 342,746 309,713 33,033 <br />Total public safety 2,156,172 2,156,172 2,088,345 67,827 <br />Public works <br />Street maintenance <br />Personal services 234,200 234,200 239,081 (4,881) <br />Materials and supplies 25,600 25,600 59,934 (34,334) <br />Other services and charges 328,072 328,072 280,520 47,552 <br />Total public works 587,872 587,872 579,535 8,337 <br />Parks and recreation <br />Park maintenance <br />Personal services 236,200 236,200 205,200 31,000 <br />Materials and supplies 36,100 36,100 32,928 3,172 <br />Other services and charges 168,212 168,212 155,198 13,014 <br />Total park maintenance 440,512 440,512 393,326 47,186 <br />Recreation <br />Personal services 174,000 174,000 182,172 (8,172) <br />Materials and supplies 22,250 22,250 31,158 (8,908) <br />Other services and charges 70,400 70,400 47,321 23,079 <br />Total recreation 266,650 266,650 260,651 5,999 <br />Total parks and recreation 707,162 707,162 653,977 53,185 <br />Total expenditures 4,756,756 4,691,854 4,361,629 330,225 <br />Revenues over expenditures 182,775 182,775 521,052 338,277 <br />Other financing sources (uses) <br />Transfers out (420,000) (820,000) (820,000) – <br />Net change in fund balance (237,225)$ (637,225)$ (298,948) 338,277$ <br />Fund balance – beginning 3,639,317 <br />Fund balance – ending 3,340,369$ <br />Budgetary Comparison Schedule – General Fund (continued) <br />Year Ended December 31, 2018 <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Required Supplementary Information <br />-52-