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Fiscal Year <br />2009 2010 2011 2012 <br />Revenues <br />Taxes <br />General property tax 2,835,253$ 2,867,028$ 2,913,248$ 3,087,160$ <br />Tax increments 540,408 566,725 342,109 431,060 <br />Special assessments 410,935 388,768 561,238 252,879 <br />Licenses and permits 318,849 255,265 429,991 415,070 <br />Intergovernmental 130,622 878,944 246,416 143,085 <br />Charges for services 332,358 322,978 419,197 450,589 <br />Fines and forfeits 26,111 27,013 29,593 33,192 <br />Earnings on investments 275,500 231,340 296,249 215,119 <br />Franchise taxes 104,148 85,131 90,123 94,532 <br />Antenna rental fees 63,009 65,759 72,351 75,745 <br />Miscellaneous/other 147,187 118,096 365,259 113,974 <br />Total revenues 5,184,380 5,807,047 5,765,774 5,312,405 <br />Expenditures <br /> Current <br />General government 1,283,267 1,127,726 1,060,744 1,054,662 <br />Public safety 1,526,819 1,561,046 1,640,801 1,728,669 <br />Public works 282,019 322,793 273,165 377,101 <br />Parks and recreation 606,822 605,210 661,746 679,282 <br />Economic development 48,322 3,311 6,862 57,766 <br />Capital outlay <br />General government 285,028 108,575 684,492 8,847 <br />Public safety 156,543 18,927 91,579 169,894 <br />Public works 1,088,586 865,334 1,063,181 376,872 <br />Parks and recreation 128,037 1,141,300 64,923 109,761 <br />Economic development – – – 5,330 <br />Debt service <br />Principal 225,000 235,000 245,000 255,000 <br />Interest and paying agent fees 53,425 46,525 39,325 31,698 <br />Total expenditures 5,683,868 6,035,747 5,831,818 4,854,882 <br />Revenues over (under) expenditures (499,488) (228,700) (66,044) 457,523 <br />Other financing sources (uses) <br />Transfers in 809,621 719,791 143,000 143,000 <br />Transfers out (677,121) (576,791) – – <br />Sale of capital assets – – 46,712 – <br />Total other financing sources (uses)132,500 143,000 189,712 143,000 <br />Net change in fund balances (366,988)$ (85,700)$ 123,668$ 600,523$ <br />Debt service as a percentage of <br /> noncapital expenditures 6.52 % 7.12 % 6.99 % 6.21 % <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds <br />Last Ten Fiscal Years <br />(Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting) <br />-78-