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<br />-36- <br />NOTE 3 – CAPITAL ASSETS <br /> <br />Capital asset activity for the year ended December 31, 2018 was as follows: <br /> <br />A. Governmental Activities <br /> <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Governmental activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Land 2,679,818$ –$ –$ –$ 2,679,818$ <br />Construction in progress 552,481 4,797,780 – – 5,350,261 <br />Total capital assets, not being depreciated 3,232,299 4,797,780 – – 8,030,079 <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 6,705,962 – (14,208) – 6,691,754 <br />Infrastructure and improvements 17,679,146 41,830 – – 17,720,976 <br />Machinery and equipment 983,869 75,632 (88,306) – 971,195 <br />Office furniture and equipment 153,553 – – – 153,553 <br />Vehicles 1,989,291 238,732 (205,856) – 2,022,167 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated 27,511,821 356,194 (308,370) – 27,559,645 <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures 3,110,976 188,696 (12,788) – 3,286,884 <br />Infrastructure and improvements 3,436,679 431,223 – – 3,867,902 <br />Machinery and equipment 682,911 57,451 (69,988) – 670,374 <br />Office furniture and equipment 96,317 12,910 – – 109,227 <br />Vehicles 666,860 171,130 (155,551) – 682,439 <br />Total accumulated depreciation 7,993,743 861,410 (238,327) – 8,616,826 <br />Total capital assets being depreciated – net 19,518,078 (505,216) (70,043) – 18,942,819 <br />Governmental activities capital assets – net 22,750,377$ 4,292,564$ (70,043)$ –$ 26,972,898$ <br /> B. Business-Type Activities <br /> <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Business-type activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Construction in progress 324,945$ 4,107,638$ –$ (1,103,589)$ 3,328,994$ <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 835,040 – – – 835,040 <br />Distribution and collection systems 23,269,938 11,870 – 1,103,589 24,385,397 <br />Machinery and equipment 950,701 – (143,929) – 806,772 <br />Office furniture and equipment 11,975 – (3,560) – 8,415 <br />Vehicles 136,659 – (136,659) – – <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated 25,204,313 11,870 (284,148) 1,103,589 26,035,624 <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures 130,262 41,544 – – 171,806 <br />Distribution and collection systems 8,095,991 492,102 – – 8,588,093 <br />Machinery and equipment 862,371 9,994 (143,929) – 728,436 <br />Office furniture and equipment 11,975 – (3,560) – 8,415 <br />Vehicles 136,659 – (136,659) – – <br />Total accumulated depreciation 9,237,258 543,640 (284,148) – 9,496,750 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated – net 15,967,055 (531,770) – 1,103,589 16,538,874 <br />Business-type activities capital assets – net 16,292,000$ 3,575,868$ –$ –$ 19,867,868$