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<br />-38- <br />NOTE 4 – LONG-TERM LIABILITIES <br /> <br />A. Components of Long-Term Liabilities <br /> <br />Final <br />Maturity Authorized Balance – <br />Issue Date Date and Issued End of Year <br />Governmental activities <br />Compensated absences 78,302$ <br />Net pension liability 813,204 <br />Total governmental activities 891,506$ <br />Business-type activities <br />General Obligation Bonds <br />Utility Revenue Bonds of 2018A 07/18/2018 02/01/2029 3.00–4.00 % 2,415,000$ 2,415,000$ <br />Premium 156,952 <br />Compensated absences 46,744 <br />Net pension liability 396,171 <br />Total business-type activities 3,014,867$ <br />Total government-wide activities 3,906,373$ <br />Interest Rate <br /> B. Changes in Long-Term Liabilities <br /> <br />Beginning Ending Due Within <br />Balance Additions Deletions Balance One Year <br />Governmental activities <br />Compensated absences 49,694$ 98,009$ 69,401$ 78,302$ 58,727$ <br />Net pension liability 971,048 67,757 225,601 813,204 – <br />Total governmental activities 1,020,742 165,766 295,002 891,506 58,727 <br />Business-type activities <br />Utility revenue bonds – 2,415,000 – 2,415,000 – <br />Premium – 164,022 7,070 156,952 – <br />Total bonds – 2,579,022 7,070 2,571,952 – <br />Compensated absences 44,716 70,707 68,679 46,744 35,058 <br />Net pension liability 497,257 43,393 144,479 396,171 – <br />Total business-type activities 541,973 2,693,122 220,228 3,014,867 35,058 <br />Total government-wide 1,562,715$ 2,858,888$ 515,230$ 3,906,373$ 93,785$ <br />