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<br />-40- <br />NOTE 5 – FUND BALANCES <br /> <br />A. Classifications <br /> <br />At December 31, 2018, a summary of the City’s governmental fund balance classifications are as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Equipment, Permanent Other <br />EDA Building, and Improvement Governmental <br />General Operating Replacement Revolving Funds Total <br />Nonspendable <br />Prepaid items 25,482$ –$ –$ –$ 214$ 25,696$ <br />Restricted for <br />Tax increment purposes – – – – 747,898 747,898 <br />Cable TV – – – – 262,623 262,623 <br />Total restricted – – – – 1,010,521 1,010,521 <br />Committed for <br />Economic development authority – 508,241 – – – 508,241 <br />Assigned for <br />Compensated absences 75,835 – – – – 75,835 <br />Subsequent year’s budget 186,970 – – – – 186,970 <br />Capital improvements – – 216,902 2,656,977 – 2,873,879 <br />Total assigned 262,805 – 216,902 2,656,977 – 3,136,684 <br />Unassigned 3,052,082 – – – (189,404) 2,862,678 <br />Total 3,340,369$ 508,241$ 216,902$ 2,656,977$ 821,331$ 7,543,820$ <br /> B. Minimum Unassigned Fund Balance Policy <br /> <br />The City Council has formally adopted a fund balance policy regarding the minimum unassigned fund <br />balance for the General Fund. The policy establishes the City will strive to maintain an unassigned <br />General Fund balance of 50.0 percent of the subsequent year’s General Fund budgeted expenditures. At <br />December 31, 2018, the unassigned fund balance of the General Fund was 60.3 percent of the subsequent <br />year’s budgeted expenditures. <br /> <br /> <br />NOTE 6 – DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN – STATE-WIDE <br /> <br />A. Plan Description <br /> <br />The City participates in the following cost-sharing, multiple-employer defined benefit pension plan <br />administered by the PERA of Minnesota. The PERA’s defined benefit pension plan is established and <br />administered in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 353 and 356. The PERA’s defined benefit <br />pension plan is a tax qualified plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. <br /> <br />General Employees Retirement Fund (GERF) <br /> <br />All full-time and certain part-time employees of the City are covered by the GERF. The GERF <br />members belong to the Coordinated Plan. Coordinated Plan members are covered by Social Security. <br /> <br />