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RICE CREEK NORTH REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN | 100 <br />Appendix : Online Survey #2 <br />Q5 Are there any additional site amenities you would like to see? <br />Answered: 39 Skipped: 52 <br />#RESPONSES DATE <br />1 Warming hut for winter 12/6/2018 6:24 PM <br />2 Snowmaking Canoe access. Lighted ski trails, snow making 12/6/2018 12:09 PM <br />3 No Not at this time 12/5/2018 7:54 PM <br />4 Trails General Emphasis on not just quantity of trails (hiking, skiing, bicycling) but on the quality <br />(layout, maintenance, traffic flow, grooming of snow) of those trails. <br />12/5/2018 8:48 AM <br />5 No No 12/3/2018 12:05 PM <br />6 Enforcement/Litter As with any trails or access points comes litter. Please take this into <br />consideration as you are moving forward. I am a citizen stream monitor volunteer for the MPCA. I <br />monitor Rice Creek at 4 locations for water quality. I'm appalled at all the trash that comes along <br />when access points are created. A prime example is the fishing access across from the Mermaid <br />at HWY 10. Last fall m y husband and I picked up 6 bags of garbage! Every time we put in with our <br />canoe, we are always picking up trash along the creek banks (bait containers, McDonald's bags, <br />diapers, food cans, soda cans). Please consider ways to keep the creek clean! Not just garbage <br />cans, signage and enforcement is needed. <br />12/2/2018 9:03 PM <br />7 Enforcement/Litter I would like to see increased signage to inform users the importance of <br />picking up litter - especially in the fishing areas. Added garbage and recycling containers would <br />also help. Perhaps the No Littering signs could be in multiple languages (English, Spanish, <br />Hmong, Somali) to ensure they communicate the importance of keeping Rice Creek free of trash. <br />We often canoe the creek and it is appalling the amount of trash that accumulates along the banks <br />near and directly downstream of the fishing areas. We pick up bags and bags full on each trip. <br />12/2/2018 8:42 PM <br />8 No no 12/2/2018 1:56 PM <br />9 Bike Station Biking service/pump equipment like they have at other trailheads (Elm Creek, etc).12/2/2018 11:54 AM <br />10 Maps Interpretative signage, especially to increase education of native prairies and pollinator <br />gardens. Absolutely no amphitheater. <br />11/30/2018 4:30 PM <br />11 Bike Station MultiSeson Build Bike repair stand with tire pump. Warming hut for cross country <br />skiers. <br />11/30/2018 3:57 PM <br />12 Nature Preservation Less is more. Keep things as natural as possible and wildlife friendly 11/29/2018 4:16 PM <br />13 No No 11/29/2018 3:40 PM <br />14 sledding hill sliding hill 11/21/2018 3:18 PM <br />15 XC prep. area Ski waxing places 11/20/2018 9:53 PM <br />16 No no 11/18/2018 8:20 PM <br />17 Exercise Equip. Outdoor fitness equipment such as chin-up bar, etc...11/18/2018 3:25 PM <br />18 No no 11/15/2018 9:00 PM <br />19 Cameras Wi-Fi Web-Cam pointed at trails in front of Pavillion to show conditions 11/12/2018 10:05 PM <br />20 No no 11/12/2018 9:18 PM <br />21 No no 11/12/2018 4:03 PM <br />22 Ind. Winter Shelter warming shelter for winter activities 11/12/2018 12:59 PM <br />23 XC Trails Cross country ski trails!11/12/2018 12:28 PM <br />24 Ind. Winter Shelter Timing Booth ski waxing area, mountain bike maintenance area. A ski <br />chalet, a start line/finish line area for ski races, a timing booth <br />11/12/2018 10:17 AM <br />25 Bike Station Bicycle racks, maintenance stands 11/9/2018 11:38 AM <br />1 / 2 <br />Rice Creek North Master Plan Concept Development Survey