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RICE CREEK NORTH REGIONAL TRAIL MASTER PLAN | 9 <br />compiled results of the paper surveys from previous engagement meetings, comments from meetings and online, <br />comments from the conceptual charrette meeting, and information gathered through two online surveys. This <br />information was used to create three master plan conceptual graphics. These graphics were meant to display <br />a range in potential recreational uses as well as potential levels of development within the corridor. Ramsey <br />County Parks & Recreation used these concepts to gather additional input from the public on what they liked or <br />didn’t, to determine what amenities or development opportunities may still be missing from the corridor, and to <br />use as an avenue of communication for the public to further guide the development of a refined concept. Public <br />meeting materials and conceptual graphics may be found in the appendix. <br />Public Engagement Meeting #5 <br />The final public engagement meeting for the Rice Creek North Regional Trail Corridor Master Plan was held on <br />Thursday, December 6, 2018 at the Ramsey County Mounds View Library. All comments, concepts, surveys, and <br />previous public input gathered was used to create a preferred master plan concept for presentation at the fifth <br />public engagement meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to gather additional feedback on the preferred <br />concept to make sure the department was proceeding with the master plan in accordance with the desires <br />and expectations of the community at the forefront. Reception of the preferred concept was overwhelmingly <br />positive, so Parks & Recreation initiated a 30-day public review of the preferred plan. Meeting materials and <br />concept graphic may be found in the appendix. <br />30-Day Public Review <br />Parks & Recreation staff posted the preferred master plan concept online for a 30-day review during the months <br />of December 2018 and January 2019. Public sector partners and participants that left email addresses at <br />engagement meetings were notified and encouraged to leave additional comments. The county communications <br />team also posted notices via social media and through the county newsletter. No new comments were received <br />during this period. <br />Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission <br />The Ramsey County Parks & Recreation Department has had ongoing conversations with the Minnesota Amateur <br />Sports Commission regarding recreational opportunities within the Rice Creek North Regional Trail. Both parties <br />are extremely interested in the creation of a destination cross country ski and winter activity area centered around <br />the Building 189 site, located in the central segment of the trail where the multi-season trailhead development <br />is proposed to occur. <br />Arden Hills Army Training Sits <br />Parks & Recreation has had ongoing conversations with the Army and National Guard for access into the <br />Arden Hills Army Training Site regarding the possibility of granting access onto AHATS land. Ramsey County <br />is committed to keeping an open dialogue with the ultimate goal of developing a network of trails that may be <br />accessed via the Rice Creek North Regional Trail Corridor as a part of the destination sports complex. <br />Arden Hills Truck Station and MnDOT Training Facility <br />Parks & Recreation has expressed interest in the Arden Hills Truck Station and MnDOT Training Facility along <br />County Road I if this land becomes available for acquisition. Acquiring this property would allow Ramsey County <br />to create a more fluid transition between the north and central segments of the trail. <br />Currently a campus master planning effort is underway to establish a 50-year vision for the Arden Hills Truck <br />Station and MnDOT Training Facility. The plan brings to light the main issues confronting the training center and <br />truck station and lays out potential futures for these uses, other related uses, and the site.
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