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Fiscal disparities for the City increased by 7.2% while the local taxable value increased by 6.6%, <br />which shows a slight shift in the tax burden to residential properties. What this means is that the <br />$7 net change in the first line of the preceding table is made up of the following: <br /> <br /> <br />Change due to decrease in fiscal disparities ($5) <br />Change due to increase in taxable values $12 <br />Net Change $7 <br /> The 2020 preliminary budget is currently being prepared assuming a 3.0% wage adjustment for all <br />staff. There is also a 3% increase assumed for health, a 3.5% increase for dental and a 5% increase <br />for life insurance premiums. No new positions are included in the budget but there were changes <br />to some of the wage allocations. <br /> <br />2020 budget information was received from Ramsey County and Lake Johanna Fire Department <br />for public safety. The police contract is expected to rise by 7.7%, or $95,870 for 2020. This is due <br />to the following: addition of another investigator ($18,000), investigator squad ($5,700), increase <br />in the County garage rate ($2,800), body worn camera equipment ($16,000), additional personnel <br />for body worn camera program ($8,180), wifi and office space ($4,500) and COLA and PERA rate <br />increases. Attachment C is a memo from the Sheriff’s office summarizing the major changes and <br />cost increases included in their 2020 budget. <br /> <br />The fire costs are expected to rise by 8.2%, or $47,310 for 2020. This increase is partially due to <br />an increase in evening/weekend shifts ($7,000) in preparation for staffing a third station; an increase <br />in fire run compensation ($1,900) based on recent trends; and an increase in training costs ($3,400). <br />The 5% tax levy increase being proposed ($196,920) is 1.37% more than the increase needed to <br />cover police and fire services ($143,180). <br /> <br />A summary of the major changes is as follows: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Description Effect on Levy <br />Reduce use of fund balance 27,270 <br />Decrease in projected revenues 83,370 <br />Decrease in TCAAP budget (83,170) <br />Increase in RamCo Sheriff 95,870 <br />Decrease in RamCo Dispatch (22,920) <br />Increase in LJFD 47,310 <br />Personnel expenses 28,600 <br />Net increases in other GF budget areas 20,590 <br />Reduce street maintenace (transfer to PIR Fund)(50,000) <br />146,920