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06-05-19 PC
Commissions, Committees, and Boards
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2019
06-05-19 PC
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9/4/2019 10:20:56 AM
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9/4/2019 10:20:47 AM
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – June 5, 2019 4 <br /> <br />City Planner Mrosla reported the Applicant is requesting to construct a new 7,978 square foot <br />convenience store and a 1,600 square foot carwash. The proposed car wash will include a unique <br />conveyor belt system to pull cars efficiently through the car wash and reduce wait times. A <br />typical car wash only allows one vehicle to enter the wash bay and thus requires significant <br />vehicle stacking. The proposed conveyor belt system, which runs non-stop, will reduce wait <br />times and vehicle stacking as vehicles can enter the car wash five (5) to ten (10) feet apart. The <br />Kwik Trip Gas Station Located at 1756 Bunker Lake Blvd in Andover has a similar conveyor <br />belt car wash. Staff visited the site and observed the car wash. On average vehicles took about <br />two (2) minutes to go through the wash and had limited vehicle queuing to enter the wash. <br /> <br />City Planner Mrosla stated in addition, the applicant is proposing a 4,505 square feet garage <br />and repair bay addition. The proposed addition is highlighted on the image above. The proposed <br />addition will add six (6) additional repair bays. The existing garage, which is about 4,540 square <br />feet, will remain, as will the existing fuel islands and canopy. However, the façade of the <br />existing garage will be updated as part of this application. The Applicant is not proposing any <br />modification to the existing accesses on County Road E. <br /> <br />City Planner Mrosla explained proposals for new construction, redevelopment of a site, and <br />significant modifications to existing sites shall use the Planned Unit Development (PUD) process <br />in the B-2, General Business District. The PUD proposal shall identify any requested <br />modifications from the applicable zoning requirements and from the "Guiding Plan for the B2 <br />District" as well as the reasons why the modifications would be in the public interest and would <br />be consistent with the purpose of the B-2 District. Modifications to these requirements may be <br />granted by the City without a variance through the PUD process. <br /> <br />City Planner Mrosla indicated the PUD process is a tool that provides additional flexibility for <br />development that an underlying zoning district would not otherwise allow. For example, a PUD <br />may make exceptions to setbacks, lot coverage, parking requirements, signage, building <br />materials, or landscaping requirements. It is intended to overcome the limitations of zoning <br />regulations and improve the overall design of a project. While the PUD process allows the City <br />to negotiate certain aspects of the development, any conditions imposed on the PUD must have a <br />rational basis related to the expected impact of the development. <br /> <br />Site Data <br />Land Use Plan: CMU – Community Mixed Use <br />Existing Land Use: CMU – Community Mixed Use <br />Zoning: B-2: General Business <br />Current Lot Sizes: 1.89 Acres <br />Topography: Approx. 10 feet height difference between edge of buildable <br />lot area (low point) and center of lot (high point) – the west <br />edge of the lot slopes down to a stormwater basin and road <br />right-of-way <br /> <br />City Planner Mrosla reviewed the surrounding area and the Plan Evaluation. Staff offered the <br />following Findings of Fact for review: <br /> <br />1. The property located at 1310 W County Road E is located in the B-2 General Business <br />District.
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