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In accordance with the City's accelerated abatement procedures in Section 602.07 of the City <br />Code, a letter was mailed to the property owner and posted to the front door of the property on <br />August 22, 2019. Based on the accelerated abatement procedures, the property owner was given <br />until August 30th, 2019 to abate the nuisance. A follow-up inspection on September 4th showed <br />that no action has been taken. A final notice of the public hearing to propose an accelerated <br />abatement was posted and mailed on September 11th, 2019 when staff conducted a final follow up <br />inspection and saw that the violations had not been addressed (Attachment A). <br />Discussion <br />Staff is requesting City Council issue an order for the proposed accelerated abatement. A previous <br />order for an accelerated abatement for excessive vegetative growth on 1870 Glenpaul Avenue was <br />issued on September 11th, 2017 and remained in effect through September 11th, 2019, when the <br />abatement order expired. <br />This renewal on the request for an abatement pertains to excessive vegetative growth and the <br />accumulation of rubbish, trash, refuse, junk and other abandoned materials. Photos of the <br />conditions on site were taken by inspectors on their most recent follow up inspection September <br />11th, 2019 shows that the property is still in violation (Attachment B). <br />If approved, the abatement order will be valid for a two-year period expiring on September 23, <br />2021. The abatement order allows staff to order an abatement if the same or similar violations <br />reoccur within the two-year period without additional City Council action. <br />In accordance with the City's accelerated abatement procedures in Section 602.07 of the City <br />Code, if the Council approves an accelerated abatement, the property owner has seven days from <br />the Council's order to complete the work before the City can have the work completed. At such <br />time, the City will have the necessary work completed to remediate the nuisance and charge 125 <br />percent of the cost of the work, including administrative costs, back to the property owner. The <br />charges can be certified against the property for collection with taxes if they are unpaid. <br />Requested Action <br />Due to the reoccurring nature of these types of violations, staff is requesting the City Council <br />approve an order for an accelerated abatement of the property 1870 Glenpaul Avenue and to <br />continue the abatement order for a two year period to expire on September 23rd, 2021. <br />Attachments <br />A. Final Code Enforcement Notice <br />B. Pictures of Property <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting - September 23, 2019 <br />P:IPlanninglCodeEnforcementWbatementsU870 Glen Paul <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />