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4. At any time the business or drive-through is closed to the public, any Drive- thru <br />Board sign shall be dimmed and shall remain dimmed or be turned off until the <br />business or drive-through is open to the public. <br />This change is consistent with surrounding cities in Minnesota and it addresses the following criteria from <br />§1200.02 Subd. 1: <br />A. Permanent signs which establish a high standard of aesthetics and are appropriate for the planned <br />character in each sign district as established in Section 1240; <br />B. Signs which are compatible with their surroundings; signs of this type are required for a drive thru <br />restaurant to operate. <br />C. Signs which are designed, constructed, installed and maintained in a manner that does not adversely impact <br />public safety or create a hazard to motorists, pedestrians, or cyclists; <br />D. Signs that are proportioned to the scale of, and are architecturally compatible with, principal structures; <br />new technology is available that allows for the better use of natural resources. Eliminating paper menus and the <br />need for ballasts helps to reduce the carbon footprint. <br />E. Permanent signs which give preference to the on -premise owner or occupant; <br />F. Temporary commercial signs and advertising displays which provide an opportunity to advertise while <br />restricting signs that create visual clutter and hazards at public right-of-way intersections; limiting the size of menu <br />boards specifically will create consistency through -out the city for this type of use. <br />G. Minimize adverse effects on nearby property; and, <br />H. Provide for fair and consistent enforcement of the sign regulations set forth herein under the authority of <br />the City; currently the code is silent on the use of menu boards and this text amendment will allow for concise <br />guidelines that regulate this type of sign. <br />This change also takes into considering the following criteria from §1200.02 Subd. 2: <br />A. Permanent and temporary signs have a direct impact on and relationship to the image and aesthetic of the <br />community; Menu boards are necessary for a fast service restaurant to function. Providing for clear text in the <br />ordinance to address this sign type will allow for consistency. <br />B. The manner of installation, location and maintenance of signs affects the public health, safety, welfare and <br />aesthetics of the community; Menu boards prevent stacking in the drive thru by allowing for patrons and citizens <br />to move thru the drive thru quickly. The clear deliverance of menu options will facilitate in the safe movement of <br />traffic. The proposed text amendment allows for the use of the latest technology. <br />C. An opportunity for viable identification of community businesses, residences, and institutions must be <br />established; The menu boards are necessary for a drive thru restaurant to remain viable and are not intended for <br />viewing beyond the property line. <br />D. The safety of motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and other users of public streets and property is affected by <br />the number, size, location and appearance of signs that create a hazard for drivers, particularly from dynamic <br />display signs; The menu boards are not dynamic display signs. The images are static and have the brightness of a <br />Kindle. The screen can be dimmed and programed to be off when businesses are closed. The overall intent of this <br />menu board is not to distract motorists but rather for viewing of the vehicle that is in the drive thru lane and they <br />are only intended to facilitate a streamlined process of customer ordering for a drive thru establishment. <br />