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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION — September 4, 2019 2 <br />internal and exterior menu boards for restaurants and other establishments. Dynamic display <br />menu board signs are more cost-effective than traditional menu boards and reduce the amount of <br />waste in landfills. The digital display is also more energy efficient as current LED technology has <br />a far greater lifespan than traditional bulbs and ballasts. The use of digital displays in drive- <br />throughs reduces wait time spent in the drive-throughs by only offering items that are available, <br />thereby reducing vehicle stacking. <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla reported all of the existing drive- <br />through menu boards in the community consist of changeable paper copies and are backlit by <br />bulbs. In the past, staff has utilized free standing sign requirements or designated the signs as <br />incidental sign. An incidental sign is any sign that is generally not understandable or readable <br />from property other than where the sign is located, such as from adjacent property or a public <br />street. Upon review, the majority of existing drive-through menu board signs were approved as <br />incidental signs and were not evaluated as they were located out of view. The proposed <br />amendment would require staff to review menu boards. <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla reviewed the proposed text <br />amendment with the Commission in further detail and reviewed the options available to the <br />Planning Commission on this matter: <br />1. Recommend Approval with Conditions <br />2. Recommend Approval as Submitted. <br />3. Recommend Denial <br />4. Table <br />Chair Gehrig opened the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. <br />Chair Gehrig invited anyone for or against the application to come forward and make comment. <br />Tracy Diehl, McDonald's representative, stated she was an expert in the sign industry. She <br />explained other businesses were beginning to use dynamic display menu signs and commented <br />on how a text amendment would benefit the City of Arden Hills. She reported it was becoming <br />increasingly difficult and expensive for fast food restaurants to use the old types of signs. She <br />discussed the expense of keeping these signs operational and difficulty businesses had finding <br />replacement parts. She thanked the Commission for their consideration on the proposed text <br />amendment. <br />There being no additional comment Chair Gehrig closed the public hearing at 6:48 p.m. <br />Commissioner Jones questioned what kind of menu signs were allowed in the past. <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla stated menu signs were classified as <br />auxiliary signs and/or an incidental sign. He commented many signs were viewed to be internal <br />to the site and did not require a permit. <br />