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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION — September 4, 2019 4 <br />Chair Gehrig recommended the menu boards be allowed to be changed three times a day. He <br />stated he supported clarifying the sign height to ensure the language reads the sign shall be no <br />taller than eight feet above grade. <br />Commissioner Jones commented three changes to the menu per day may be conservative. <br />Councilmember Holmes asked if this amendment was for all restaurants in the City. <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla reported the proposed text <br />amendment was establishments with drive through facilities. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the proposed text amendment for drive through facilities. <br />Chair Gehrig reported the Commission could amend the proposed language to state it was for <br />drive through restaurants. <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla reported the reference to drive <br />through facility could be changed to drive through restaurant. <br />Commissioner Wicklund moved and Commissioner Zimmerman seconded a motion to <br />recommend approval of Planning Case 19-008 for proposed amendments to Chapter 12 — <br />Shm Code, adding a definition for Menu Board Signs, and excluding dynamic displays <br />menu boards from prohibit signs, and adding section 1240.04 Menu Board Signs <br />requirements, as presented in the September 4, 2019 Report to the Planning Commission <br />with the following modifications: a drive through menu sign height shall not exceed eight <br />feet in height; menu text shall not change more than five times per day; and that restaurant <br />fast food drive through references be made where the code previously read drive through <br />facility. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br />B. Planning Case 19-009; Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Regarding Clearcutting <br />and Tree Preservation — Public Hearing <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla stated in the last few years, there <br />have been cases where a property owner has clear-cut a parcel of land prior to submitting any <br />development applications. Section 1325.055 of the City Code addresses tree preservation <br />requirements, but the requirements are currently triggered by a development application. The <br />code does not address the removal of vegetation prior to any application. Staff reviewed the <br />proposed changes to City Code and explained the proposed language is intended to codify the <br />need for a tree preservation plan prior to clearcutting a site. Clearcutting is part of a larger infill <br />development discussion. This language may not address all the issues, but it does provide some <br />protection for clear -cutting without a development application. <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla reviewed the options available to <br />the Planning Commission on this matter: <br />1. Recommend Approval with Conditions <br />2. Recommend Approval as Submitted. <br />