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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 4 <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br /> motion to approve the Consent Calendar as amended removing Items 7H and <br /> 7J and to authorize execution of all necessary documents contained therein. <br /> The motion carried unanimously(5-0). <br /> 8. PULLED CONSENT ITEMS <br /> A. Motion to Approve WSB Scope and Cost Estimate for Lake Valentine <br /> Roadway Improvement Recommendation Study <br /> Councilmember Holmes believed the proposal was not as comprehensive as it should be for the <br /> work to be completed. She supported data being collected for the school speed zone and traffic <br /> numbers, but recommended more focus be placed on how pedestrian traffic will impact this area. <br /> She recommended the Council hold a meeting with staff and the engineers prior to the study being <br /> completed. <br /> Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla explained staff has been working <br /> closely with the school district. He noted staff would be meeting onsite with school staff on <br /> Tuesday, September 24 to discuss evening traffic, lighting and pedestrian concerns. He indicated <br /> staff has also been working closely with WSB on this proposal. <br /> Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom explained WSB was aware of the <br /> pedestrian concerns for this project. He agreed this may not be reflected in the words within the, <br /> proposal scope for services but noted WSB was extremely aware of the need to coordinate <br /> pedestrian safety. He explained WSB could be involved in additional engagement meetings if this <br /> was the desire of the Council, but noted Shawn Delmore, the lead engineer, has been in <br /> communication with the school. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated she would like to see a meeting held between WSB, staff and the <br /> City Council to review potential concepts prior to this item moving forward. She understood the <br /> bridge idea was not popular, but she believed this was the safest solution. She explained she <br /> would like to see this option further vetted. She expressed concern with the fact the proposal did <br /> not better explain how the pedestrian issues would be addressed. <br /> Councilmember Holden commented the Council had vetted a bridge concept with school <br /> representatives and there were concerns with the overall cost and expense for future maintenance. <br /> Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla reported this was the case noting the <br /> grade of the road would also make a pedestrian bridge extremely difficult to install. He stated a <br /> light or hawk system would be considered through the proposed study. He indicated the study <br /> would provide the City with 20-year projections on traffic volumes. <br /> Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom commented the City could request <br /> an additional meeting with WSB between the data collection period and the concept development <br /> stage. <br />
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