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12-04-19 PC
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12-04-19 PC
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – November 6, 2019 8 <br /> <br />in size. He commented on Exhibit C which addressed the three stories of the proposed home. He <br />stated there was a discrepancy between the square footages between the proposed plans and the <br />actual plans. He objected to what was happening and recommended the Commission not <br />approve the variance. <br /> <br />Mr. Day explained he was also concerned with the proposed height of the new home as it would <br />be 17 feet higher than his home. He feared this would negatively impact his property value. He <br />noted there were no homes on Sandeen Road that were three stories in height. He indicated the <br />proposed home was not keeping in line with the character of the neighborhood. He reviewed <br />photos of the homes in the neighborhood and reiterated the fact that the proposed home did not <br />have the same character. He believed the proposed home was not the right home for the property <br />and recommended the Commission deny the variance. <br /> <br />Steve Campbell, 3248 Sandeen Road, stated he shared the same feelings as Mr. Day. He <br />explained the applicant was proposing a very large house for a very small lot. He indicated this <br />was completely out of character for the neighborhood. He reported this house would be taller <br />than it was wide and would block sunlight from the neighboring homes. He recommended action <br />on this item be tabled to allow the applicant to work with the City and the neighbors to allow for <br />the plans to be modified. <br /> <br />Megan Kell, Kell Architects representing the applicant, reiterated that this was not a designed <br />house yet. She noted a feasibility study had been completed for the owners so they understood <br />what type of home could be built on the lot. She reported a height variance was not being <br />requested. She explained the FAR variance requests were for below grade and would not impact <br />the neighbors. She reported the extra basement space was needed for physical therapy for the <br />owner’s special needs child. She indicated the property owners wanted to be good neighbors and <br />were saddened by the fact so many of the neighbors were objecting to the project. She <br />commented the 30-foot setback has not been a concern for the neighbors and would actually <br />protect the views of the lake for the neighbors. <br /> <br />Commissioner Subramanian commented the request had two main variables which were the <br />non-conforming lot size and the non-conforming house size. He indicated the lot size cannot be <br />adjusted but noted the house size could be adjusted. He questioned how the psychology of the <br />neighbors would be impacted by looking at a 70-foot wall for the proposed home. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wicklund requested further comment regarding the FAR. <br /> <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla explained the FAR ratio was in <br />place to assure that properties were sized properly to accommodate the proposed structure on the <br />lot. He noted the subject property was unique because it was only 9,400 square feet. He <br />explained the proposed house would work on a normal sized lot (11,000 square feet). He <br />commented further on how the City does not dictate the architecture of homes. <br /> <br />Mr. Day asked if the physical therapy area room, mechanical room and bathroom only took up <br />534 square feet of the basement. <br /> <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla deferred this question to the <br />applicant. He noted the applicant was calculating the numbers on the plan. He commented on
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