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12-04-19 PC
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12-04-19 PC
Entry Properties
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – November 6, 2019 6 <br /> <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla explained the previous owners <br />demolished the existing house on 3244 Sandeen Road prior to selling the subject property to the <br />current owner. The original house was built with a five (5) foot variance from the front yard <br />setback, allowing it to be built thirty-five (35) feet from the front yard property line due to lot <br />encumbrances. The Applicant is requesting a thirty (30) foot front yard setback from the property <br />line and flexibility in the FAR requirements via variance. <br /> <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla indicated the subject property is a <br />legal non-conforming lot with encumbrances. The subject parcel is approximately 50 feet in <br />width and is 9,400 square feet. The R2 district standards require a minimum lot width of 85 feet <br />and 11,000 square feet. In addition, a bluff is located on the Lake Johanna side of the subject <br />property. <br /> <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla reported the subject property has a <br />grade of slope of 56% from the toe of the bluff to a point 25 feet or more above the ordinary <br />high. Atop the bluff is the bluff impact zone. A bluff impact zone is established for preservation <br />and management of shoreland vegetation and soils, and all structural development is excluded <br />from this zone, except for stairways, lifts and landings. The bluff impact zone has a required <br />setback of 20 feet from the top of a bluff. <br /> <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla reviewed the Plan Evaluation, the <br />Variance Requirements and provided the Findings of Fact for review: <br /> <br />General Findings: <br />1. City Staff received a land use application for a request to build a new single-family <br />dwelling at the Subject Property 3244 Sandeen Road. <br />2. The Subject Property is currently a vacant lot in the R-2 Single- and Two-Family <br />Residential District that is non-conforming given the R-2 District's minimum width and <br />area requirements. <br />3. The proposed increase FAR of 3,400 square feet would be 30 percent on a standard <br />11,000 square foot lot and would constant with the R-2 zoning district requirements. <br />4. The Applicant is requesting a variance to build a single-family detached dwelling with a <br />30-foot front yard setback instead of 40 feet required by ordinance. <br />5. If granted a variance, the proposed property would meet all other minimum setback <br />requirements for the R-2 District, as indicated by the plans submitted by the Applicant. <br />6. The proposed development would not encroach on the bluff or any flood plains, wetlands, <br />or easements. <br />7. The proposed development is not expected to impact any significant trees on the property. <br /> <br />Variance Findings: <br />1. The variance request would comply with the purpose and intent of the R-2 Zoning <br />District and with the policies within the City’s Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. The proposed addition is a reasonable use of the property. <br />3. The proposed addition will not alter the character of the neighborhood and is consistent <br />with the other dwellings in the neighborhood. Staff do not believe that granting a variance <br />would negatively impact neighboring properties. <br />4. The proposed variance is not based on economic consideration.
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