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01-08-2020 PC
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01-08-2020 PC
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1/3/2020 9:55:29 AM
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1/3/2020 9:55:00 AM
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<br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for January 8, 2020 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2019\19-017 Arden Shoreview Animal Hospital 1261 County Road E - CUP Amendment <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />The Applicants request that paragraph three (3), sentence one (1) be removed from Special Use <br />Permit. <br /> <br />“The hospital shall have a maximum staff of five (5).” <br /> <br />Staff concurs that sentence one (1) be removed regarding the maximum number of employees <br />onsite. The current site was approved with 15 parking stalls. The Applicant has stated that <br />maximum shift size is seven (7) employees. Veterinary uses are low trip generators with three (3) <br />to four (4) visitors per hour at peak. The existing parking onsite is adequate to support the current <br />use of the property. As a condition of approval, the property owners shall work with city staff to <br />resolve the any parking concerns if complaints are received. <br /> <br />The Applicants request that the language in paragraph five (5) be removed. <br /> <br />“The hospital building shall be constructed of brick and cedar. It shall have brick <br />columns in front and a dark brown metal truss roof. Its signage shall comply with <br />Arden Hills' Code requirements” <br /> <br />Staff concurs that paragraph five (5) be removed. Any proposed building remodels, additions or <br />signs shall be in accordance with the standards set forth in the City Code. Staff finds that requiring <br />specific colors or materials used in the design of the building in a Conditional Use Permit is <br />unnecessarily restrictive. Any changes to the exterior signage of the building can be handled <br />through the permit review process. Staff determined that all future site and building plan requests <br />would have to be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as part of a land use <br />application. Any significant changes to the plans, as would be reviewed and approved by the <br />Planning Commission and City Council. <br /> <br />The Applicants request that paragraph six (6) be removed. <br /> <br />“The refuse area shall be located at the northwest corner of the building. It shall <br />be screened. Refuse pickup shall be one or two per week” <br /> <br />Staff finds that a requirement specifying the required number of weekly refuse pickups is <br />unnecessary. According to City Code Section 660.06, “All properties are required to contract for <br />garbage collection services unless proof of other legal disposing of waste can be demonstrated to <br />the City upon request.” If the City receives complaints from the owners and occupants of <br />surrounding properties regarding a violation of any condition set forth in the permit, violations of <br />City Code may be cause for revocation of the permit. As a condition of approval, any future <br />relocation of the trash enclosures shall utilize wooden gates and be constructed on three sides using <br />the same materials and patterns used on the building. The location shall be approved by the <br />Planning staff in writing. <br /> <br />Staff recommends adding the additional conditions of approval below to assist in protecting the <br />health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the community. <br />
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