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S pecial Joint Development Authority <br />Monday, F ebruary 4 , 2019 <br />Arden Hills City Council Chambers <br />M i nu tes <br />5:30 pm <br />Present: <br />Joint Development Authority: Chair Brian Holmes, Commissioner Blake Huffman, <br />Commissioner Brenda Holden, Commissioner Brenda Holden, Commissioner Rafael Ortega <br />Also present: Dave Perrault, (Arden Hills); Josh Olson, (Ramsey County) <br />Roll call taken. <br />Approval of Agenda <br />Commissioner Huffman requested I tem 9E be moved up on the agenda. <br />Commissioner Grant stated this was a S pecial Meeting and therefore the agenda could not be <br />amended. <br />JĞŶŶLJ ŽƵůƚŽŶ ex plained the subj ect matter on the agenda could not be amended, but noted <br />the order in which the items were discussed could be amended. <br />Commissioner Huffman withdrew his motion. <br />Motion by Commissioner Grant seconded by Commissioner Holden to approve the agenda as <br />presented. Motion carried. <br />Approval of January 7 , 2019 Minutes <br />Commissioner Holden stated she would not make a motion or second on these minutes. S he <br />ex plained there was not a quorum at this meeting, so there could not be minutes. S he <br />requested comment from the JĞŶŶLJ ŽƵůƚŽŶ. <br />:ĞŶŶLJ ŽƵůƚŽŶ agreed a meeting was not held on January 7 th. S he advised the JDA to make a <br />motion to accept the record of the January 7 , 2019 meeting. <br />Motion by Commissioner Grant seconded by Commissioner Holden to accept the record of the <br />January 7 , 2019 meeting. Motion carried. <br />E lection of 2019 Officers <br />Director Perrault requested confirmation of the Chair and V ice-Chair of the JDA. <br />ŐĞŶĚĂ /ƚĞŵ ϯĂ