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01-06-2020 JDA Agenda Packet
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01-06-2020 JDA Agenda Packet
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1/3/2020 3:12:42 PM
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Commissioner Huffman read a prepared statement to the JDA. He ex plained on January 22nd <br />the County Board met in a closed session to discuss future negotiations for the sale of Rice <br />Creek Commons to Alatus. He reported the County has been working to negotiate a Master <br />Development Agreement but has reached an impasse. He indicated Rice Creek Commons was <br />a shovel- ready, prime development opportunity that will benefit the community with j obs, <br />housing and economic growth. He anticipated that all parties want to move forward toward a <br />development solution but stated the County was losing momentum and development <br />opportunities as negotiations have not led to an MDA that was appropriate for all parties. As <br />the property owner, the County had a responsibility to its tax payers to develop this site. He <br />feared a construction season would be lost given the fact infrastructure plans were not in <br />place. He ex plained funding sources and financial tools are set to ex pire in 2019. He <br />commented the County would lose S tate approved funding for the spine road. He reported the <br />County has invested $4 0 million in the site, Alatus has invested millions in development plans <br />and now the proj ect is stalled. Per S ection 2.3.11 of the Joint Powers Agreement, the County <br />would like to resolve outstanding issues through a dispute resolution via mediation to move <br />the proj ect forward. He stated appropriate housing, j ob and economic growth were very <br />important to the community. He ex plained the County wanted to ensure this proj ect was <br />done right. He commented successful mediation may be the best option to move this proj ect <br />forward. He stated he was not looking for JDA approval regarding mediation, but rather the <br />County and the City would have to approve this. <br />Commissioner Grant requested further information regarding the S tate approved funding for <br />the spine road. Ms. Collins reported the County had several million dollars allocated from the <br />S tate to assist with completing the spine road in 2019. <br />Commissioner Grant questioned who paid for the thumb roadway. Director Olson commented <br />this was paid for by Ramsey County. He noted there may have been some ex penses that were <br />eligible for S tate funding. <br />Commissioner Holden stated she took offense to the statement, “the County has been <br />negotiating in good faith” . S he reported the City has been negotiating with the County since <br />2012 on this proj ect. S he ex plained she had attended heated meetings where County staff <br />was yelling at Councilmembers. S he commented on all of the concessions the City had made in <br />order to meet the County’ s wishes. S he stated the City has been negotiating on phasing, <br />density, building heights and flex ibility issues with T CAAP since 2012. S he indicated the City <br />has been working with the County, shoulder to shoulder to give them what they want. S he <br />stated bullet three was a problem for her.
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