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Sr. Environmental Scientist - Jeff RiceSr. Environmental Scientist IV- Ryan SpencerSr. Environmental Scientist I- Dan RangitschEnvironmental Scientist IV - Ben FehrEnvironmental Scientist II-Tyler Pederstuen GIS Specialist III -Mike PhillippiOffice Technician III- Aleesha PennTotal Hours1 Desktop Env Review1.1 PM1.01.0 124$ 1.2 Report / Review2. 685$ 1.3 City Meeting4.04.0 496$ Task 1 - Total Estimated Hours and Fee 0.0 3.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 8.01,305$ 1,305$ 2 Phase I ESA2.1 PM1.01.0 124$ 2.2 Travel - Onsite5.05.0 435$ 2.3 MPCA Rile Reviews (3 total) 3.03.0 297$ 2.4 Report / Review1.0 17.0 1,603$ Task 2a - Total Estimated Hours and Fee 1.0 3.0 3.0 17.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 26.02,459$ 2b Subcontractor, Equipment & Expenses QuantityUnit2.1 ERIS - Standard Package + 11 City Directory Streets1unit 715$ Task 2b - Total Estimated Expenses715$ 3,174$ 3 Work Plan3.1 PM2.02.0 248$ 3.2 Plan / Review1.0 1.0 3.5 3.51.0 10.0 997$ Task 3 - Total Estimated Hours and Fee 1.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 12.01,245$ 1,245$ 4 Field Investigation4.1 PM2.02.0 248$ 4.2 Boring Location Staking1. 561$ 4.3 Travel / Onsite Sampling / Drilling1.018.019.0 1,690$ Task 3a - Total Estimated Hours and Fee 0.0 4.0 0.0 22.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 27.02,499$ 4b Subcontractor, Equipment & Expenses QuantityUnit4.1 Bergerson - Drilling plus working signs2each 5,123$ 4.2 City Boring Permit - No charge0day -$ 4.3 City Traffic Permit - No charge0Unit -$ 4.4 Eurofins/TestAmerica - Soil/GW 30 samples30Sample 2,310$ 4.5 Eurofins/TestAmerica - Vapor 2 samples2Sample 375$ 4.6 WSB - I-pad GPS Unit w/ GNSS receiver1day 50$ 4.7 WSB - Photoionization Detector1day 50$ 4.8 WSB - Field Investigation Kit 1unit 20$ Task 4b - Total Estimated Expenses7,928$ 10,427$ 5 Project Report5.1 PM2.02.0 248$ 5.2 Report / Review1.0 2.0 6.0 6.02.0 17.0 1,675$ 5.3 Copies (3 total)2.02.0 174$ Task 5a - Total Estimated Hours and Fee 1.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 21.02,097$ 2,097$ 3.0 17.0 12.5 54.5 0.0 7.0 0.0 94.0133.00$ 124.00$ 99.00$ 87.00$ 82.00$ 89.00$ 83.00$ 399.00$ 2,108.00$ 1,237.50$ 4,741.50$ -$ 623.00$ -$ 9,109.00$ 18,248$ Total Proposed Fee (Labor, Expenses and Subcontractors)Hourly Billing RateTotal Fee by Labor ClassificationTotal Estimated HoursTask 4 Total Cost - Field InvestigationRate$125.00$77.00715Task 3 Total Cost - Work PlanTable 1Proposed Estimate of Hours and Fee Old Snelling Ave and CR E Improvements ProjectArden Hills, MNDescriptionTask Total Labor Fee $240.00RateTask 2 Total Cost - Phase I ESATask 1 Total Cost - Desktop Env ReviewTask 5 Total Cost - Project Report$20.00$50.00$2,561.50$187.50$50.00G:\Group Data\EIR\Proposals\Arden Hills\Old Snelling Ave and CR E Improvements\3 - Cost Estimate - Old Snelling at CR E