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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – DECEMBER 16, 2019 3 <br /> <br />B. National Recoveries/Arden Hills Corporate Center Parking <br /> <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla stated National Recoveries is a debt <br />recovery service, which operates a call center at 4265 Lexington Avenue North within the Arden <br />Hills Corporate Center. National Recoveries has been a tenant of Arden Hills Corporate Center <br />since 2015 and has approximately 350 to 400 employees. This past summer the City Council and <br />staff received a complaint about National Recoveries staff parking on Wyncrest Court. The <br />residents concern corrected itself without city intervention. However, additional review was <br />required to determine if the Arden Hills Corporate Center has sufficient parking to meet ordinance <br />requirements. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes asked if the City needed to reconsider its parking requirements for call <br />centers. <br /> <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla explained the Council could consider <br />making a change to the parking Ordinance. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant stated he would also like to see the City addressing the parking restrictions on <br />Wyncrest Court to ensure the residents in this area are not bothered by employees parking on the <br />street. He also supported the Council reviewing the parking requirements for call centers. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated she was pleased Natural Recoveries was willing to work with the <br />City. <br /> <br />Community Development Manager/City Planner Mrosla indicated he would draw up language <br />for call center parking requirements and would report back to the Council in January. <br /> <br /> H. Noise Wall Discussion <br /> <br />Mayor Grant stated there were residents interested in having a noise wall in the Round Lake East <br />area of the City, near Lakeshore Drive and Old Snelling Avenue. He noted MnDOT was taking <br />applications for noise walls and would select which noise walls get built in 2020. He reported if a <br />community signs up to cover 10% of the cost, this puts the application at the top of the list. He <br />asked if the Council supported the City submitting an application. <br /> <br />Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom provided the Council with <br />information regarding noise walls and described how noise walls are funded. He estimated the <br />proposed cost for the Lakeshore Drive noise wall would be $1.6 million based on MnDOT cost <br />data. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant questioned if the Council supported the City submitting an application for this <br />noise wall if the City’s expense could be $160,000. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott supported the City submitting an application. <br />