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<br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for January 13th, 2020 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />excluded from this zone, except for stairways, lifts and landings. The bluff impact zone has a <br />required setback of 20 feet from the top of a bluff. <br /> <br />Plan Evaluation <br /> <br />At their November 6, 2019 meeting, the Planning Commission heard testimony from the Applicant <br />and neighbors. Upon hearing the testimony, the Planning Commission motioned to table the <br />request until the next Planning Commission to review the definition and interpretation of the floor <br />area ratio (“FAR”) in the Arden Hills Zoning Code. Following the tabling of the item by Planning <br />Commission, the Applicant met with City Staff and decided to proceed with a 10 foot front yard <br />setback variance and forgo the FAR request. The revised proposal was presented to the Planning <br />Commission on December 4, 2019 and at that time it voted unanimously to approve the project. <br />The staff report to the Planning Commission on this case is provided in Attachment D. The <br />approved minutes from the December 4, 2019 meeting are included in Attachment E. <br /> <br />Additional Review <br /> <br />Residential Building Inspector <br />The Residential Building Inspector has reviewed the plans and has no additional comments at this <br />time. A Building Permit will be required prior to any construction taking place. <br /> <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />The Public Works Director/City Engineer has reviewed the plans and has no additional comments <br />at this time. <br /> <br />Findings of Fact <br /> <br />1. City Staff received a land use application for a request to build a new single family dwelling <br />at the Subject Property 3244 Sandeen Road. <br />2. Single-family detached dwelling is a permitted use in the R-2 district. <br />3. The Subject Property is currently a vacant lot in the R-2. <br />4. The Subject Property is non-conforming with the R-2 districts standards for minimum lot <br />width and area requirements. <br />5. The subject parcel is encumbered by a bluff and a 20 foot bluff impact zone. <br />6. The proposed development of the subject parcel would conform to all other requirements <br />and standards of the R-2 district and Shoreland Management Regulations. <br />7. The proposed development would not encroach on the bluff or any flood plains, wetlands, <br />or easements. <br />8. A variance may be granted if enforcement of a provision in the zoning ordinance would <br />cause the landowner practical difficulties. <br />9. Variances are only permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent <br />of the ordinance. <br /> <br /> <br />