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<br /> | 763.270.3471 <br /> <br /> <br />Jeffery Rice, PG, CHMM – Selected Project Experience <br />Kaposia Landing Park Improvements | South St. <br />Paul, MN <br />CLIENT: CITY OF SOUTH ST. PAUL <br />PROJECT DURATION: 2015-2016 <br />WSB provided environmental planning services associated <br />with the management of buried solid waste and asbestos <br />incidental to construction redevelopment of Kaposia Landing <br />Park. Kaposia Landing Park is home to a historical solid <br />waste landfill containing an estimated 3.5 million cubic yards <br />of buried waste, covering over 75 acres along the Mississippi <br />River in South St. Paul, Minnesota. As part of the <br />environmental planning process, Jeffrey enrolled the site <br />into the MPCA’s VIC Program as identification number VP <br />5391. For VIC enrollment, WSB prepared a RAP, an ECP <br />and a site-specific Health and Safety Plan for the <br />management and mitigation of environmental and workplace <br />hazards. During the project WSB completed waste <br />characterization at 38 excavation locations, oversaw the <br />removal of 50 truckloads of ACWM and 117 truckloads of <br />industrial waste, provided oversight and documentation of <br />vapor membrane installation and obtained a site specific <br />beneficial reuse determination from the MPCA for solid <br />waste reuse. WSB also worked with City and MPCA to <br />prepare Environmental Covenant for the site. <br />Hamel Road Reconstruction Project | Medina, <br />MN <br />CLIENT: HENNEPIN COUNTY <br />PROJECT DURATION: 2014 – 2016 <br />As part of a larger road improvements project, WSB <br />provided environmental planning and management services <br />for the excavation of two stormwater ponds constructed at <br />Hamel Road in the City of Medina, Minnesota. As part of the <br />environmental planning process, WSB completed a Phase I <br />ESA, prepared a RAP, proposed an actions letter, and <br />enrolled the site into the MPCA’s VIC Program. Prior to RAP <br />implementation, WSB completed test pit excavations to <br />sample and verify types and depths of contamination <br />documented in a previously conducted Phase II ESA. <br />During the test pit investigation, ACM was identified in the <br />buried debris at the easement. Following the identification of <br />ACM, WSB prepared a RAP/CCP addendum, developed an <br />ECP and submitted both documents to the MPCA for review <br />and approval. Contaminants of concern at the site included <br />DRO, GRO, ACM, copper and arsenic. WSB provided <br />remediation oversight during removal of ACM-impacted soil <br />and debris, conducted field screening, managed material <br />assessment and segregation during excavation, collected <br />GPS coordinates for both remediated areas and remaining <br />contamination at the site and tracked waste shipments for <br />disposal. A total of 266 loads (4,893.93 tons) of ACWM were <br />removed from the site for disposal at an MPCA permitted <br />landfill. <br />CSAH 102 Corridor Improvements | Golden <br />Valley, MN <br />CLIENT: CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY & <br />HENNEPIN COUNTY <br />PROJECT DURATION: 2016-2018 <br />The City of Golden Valley retained WSB to provide <br />environmental investigation, planning, management and <br />field oversight services for the highway reconstruction <br />and improvements project at CSAH 102. In his role as <br />project manager, Jeffrey completed a Phase I and Phase <br />II ESA and prepared a CCP to manage GRO, DRO, PAH <br />and VOC impacts at the Site. During construction, <br />Jeffrey was responsible for coordinating response <br />actions and managing communication and scheduling <br />with contractors, subcontractors, field staff and the <br />County. WSB managed material assessment and <br />segregation, waste shipment tracking and global <br />positional system (GPS) survey of both remediated areas <br />and remaining contamination at the Corridor. In July <br />2016, following the identification of elevated ambient <br />organic vapor concentrations (400+ ppm by PID) at a <br />sanitary sewer excavation, Jeffrey worked with the <br />Contractor and the County to ensure that appropriate <br />engineering and monitoring controls were in place to <br />safely continue the project work in the area. Jeffrey <br />prepared the final report documenting construction <br />monitoring field activities completed for the project. <br /> <br />Valley Oil Site Redevelopment | Savage, MN <br />CLIENT: CITY OF SAVAGE <br />PROJECT DURATION: 2016-2018 <br />The City of Savage retained WSB to provide environmental, <br />geotechnical and engineering design services for <br />redevelopment of the former Valley Oil Site. The 2.2-acre <br />site historically operated as a commercial bulk petroleum <br />distributer, retail filling station and auto maintenance <br />business. As part of the environmental planning process, <br />WSB completed a Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA, asbestos and <br />regulated materials inspections, a preliminary Geotechnical <br />Investigation, cost estimating, RAP/CCP, Limited Site <br />Investigation, and enrollment into the MPCA Brownfields <br />programs. WSB prepared bid documents and an <br />engineering estimate for the demolition, decommissioning, <br />stormwater design and grading of the site. WSB provided <br />construction monitoring and oversight during site demolition <br />and decommissioning, grading and pad-ready, site <br />preparation. Contaminants of concern at the site included <br />DRO, GRO, VOCs, PAHs and PCBs. The project included <br />removal of 16 USTs, 4 oil water separators, 2 septic <br />systems, 4 lifts/hoists, buried debris and 3 buildings. The <br />city received a No Association Determination Letter and <br />RAP Implementation Approval Letter following project <br />completion in January 2018. <br /> <br />