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Arden Hills Service Directory <br />1245 West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112-5734 <br /> <br />651-792-7800 <br />2I¿FH+RXUV <br />0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ <br />DPWRSP <br />6KHULIIDQG)LUH <br />911 <br />:DWHUDQG6HZHU3UREOHPV <br /> 'XULQJQRQEXVLQHVVKRXUV <br /> <br />Mayor <br />'DYLG*UDQW <br /> <br />&RXQFLOPHPEHUV <br />%UHQGD+ROGHQ <br />EKROGHQ#FLW\RIDUGHQKLOOVRUJ <br />)UDQ+ROPHV <br />IKROPHV#FLW\RIDUGHQKLOOVRUJ <br />'DYH0F&OXQJ <br />GPFFOXQJ#FLW\RIDUGHQKLOOVRUJ <br />6WHYH6FRWW <br /> <br />&LW\$GPLQLVWUDWRU <br />'DYH3HUUDXOW <br />GSHUUDXOW#FLW\RIDUGHQKLOOVRUJ <br />&RPPXQLFDWLRQV&RRUGLQDWRU <br />'DZQ6NHOO\ <br />GVNHOO\#FLW\RIDUGHQKLOOVRUJ <br />&RXQFLOPHHWLQJVDUHKHOGDW&LW\ <br />+DOORQWKHVHFRQGDQGIRXUWK <br />0RQGD\VRIWKHPRQWKDWSP <br />0HHWLQJVDUHWHOHYLVHGOLYHRQ&DEOH <br />&KDQQHO0HHWLQJVRIWKH3ODQQLQJ <br />&RPPLVVLRQDUHWHOHYLVHGDVZHOO9LVLW <br />FLW\RIDUGHQKLOOVRUJIRULQIRUPDWLRQ <br />DERXWDUFKLYHGPHHWLQJSOD\EDFNV <br />Arden Hills NotesLVWKHRI¿FLDO <br />QHZVOHWWHURIWKH&LW\RI$UGHQ+LOOVDQ <br />HTXDORSSRUWXQLW\HPSOR\HU <br />City News Updates <br />Snow Plow and Snow Clearing Reminders <br />• Street plowing typically begins when 2 inches of snow have <br />accumulated. <br />• Plows will get as close as possible to mailboxes, but residents <br />DUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUFOHDULQJVQRZIURPDURXQGPDLOER[HVDQG¿UH <br />hydrants. <br />• Do not park vehicles on the street after the accumulation of 2 or <br />more inches of snow and until after plowing has been completed. <br />• Parking is not allowed on any city street between 2:00 a.m. and <br />6:00 a.m. year round. <br />City Seeks Volunteers for Committees and Commissions <br />9ROXQWHHUVDUHQHHGHGWR¿OOYDFDQWVHDWVRQWKHIROORZLQJFLW\ <br />committees and commissions: Planning Commission, Economic <br />Development Commission, Financial Planning & Analysis Committee <br />and the Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee. For more information or <br />to submit an online application, visit <br />Simple Recycling will Cease City Service on February 18 <br />Simple Recycling will cease service in Arden Hills on February 18 due <br />to low participation and rising costs. The company has been picking up <br />textiles and household goods in orange bags for a few years. To dispose <br />of textiles, consider thrift store and select retail store donations, repair <br />or reuse. Textiles should never go in your curb side recycling bin! Visit <br /> for options. <br />Scouting Day 2020 to be Held February 29 <br />Scouting Day 2020 will be held on Saturday, February 29 from 9:00 <br />a.m. to Noon at the Ramsey County Public Works facility in Arden <br />Hills. Scouting Day is a special event where school-aged children who <br />are active in scouting organizations learn about the work performed by <br />public safety agencies in Ramsey County. The annual event includes <br />educational activities, equipment displays and demonstrations. Scout <br />leaders are encouraged to sign up by Friday, February 21. Register <br />online at: For more information, <br />call 651-266-7332. <br />Census 2020 Kicks Off in March <br />Every 10 years a census is taken that counts every person living in <br />the United States. The population totals from the census determine <br />many important things including congressional representation and <br />federal spending allocations. Residents can expect to receive census <br />information by mail in March. Census workers will conduct follow- <br />XSYLVLWVZLWKQRQUHVSRQGHQWVGXULQJVXPPHU7KH¿QDOFHQVXV <br />numbers are expected to be public in March 2021.