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  <br />Recreation Revenues <br /> <br />Increased revenue is certainly a goal each year, but the department will need to balance the ability to <br />increase revenue while maintaining the public’s trust and commitment to the services we provide. <br />Determining cost recovery goals, ensuring affordable access, utilizing existing inventory, creating <br />partnerships with other communities are all ways we can monitor the revenues/expenditures in the years <br />to come. <br /> <br />Why the revenue changes from year to year: <br /> Demographics in the City and surrounding area. We have noticed an increase in the cities <br />preschool programs and classes offered. <br /> Offering different class options each season. Enrollment will vary from class to class. <br /> Inadequate space/location <br /> Having maximums on programs for safety <br /> Schools will no longer allow us to advertise using flyers in the schools <br /> New partnerships/contracts <br /> Cost increases – space rentals, staff costs <br /> <br /> <br />Ways to Increase Revenue: <br /> Increase class fees <br /> Increasing fees in the top five revenue producing programs <br /> Cut expenditures <br /> Staff/participant ratios <br /> Parent and Me classes – Keeping the staff numbers down <br /> Promoting classes – getting the word out (Newsletter, Parks and Recreation Guide, Facebook) <br /> Late fee added to youth leagues and summer playground program (currently using) <br /> Voucher system instead of refunds (currently using) <br /> Volunteers – having volunteers help at some of the events <br /> Sponsorships and donations <br /> <br /> <br /> The City of Arden Hills offers a coaches discount for all of the youth leagues. This year we <br />limited the number of coaches allowed per team. <br /> The City needs to remain competitive with the fees that are set. Surrounding communities offer <br />the same programs/leagues. <br /> Scholarships for programs. The City of Arden Hills receives scholarship requests for programs. <br />The Arden Hills Foundation has been providing scholarship money for families in need the last <br />few years ($500). <br /> <br /> <br />The Parks and Recreation Department has a very good reputation in our city. The programs that we <br />offer are high quality and affordable. The City of Arden Hills offers a wide variety of programs that <br />appeal to all ages in the community. I believe in our programs and the impact that they make on <br />residents in Arden Hills and surrounding communities. <br /> <br />Increasing registration fees for programs to boost revenue could negatively impact enrollment in the <br />future.