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Department of Public Works Cost Participation Policy Ramsey County Public Works Cost Participation Policy for the Reconstruction and Major Maintenance of County Roads and County State Aid Highways ITEM: COUNTY SHARE: NOTES: Right of Way 50% County cost participation on right of way acquisition may be reduced or eliminated where the acquisition is specifically for detached trails, aesthetics, or special design elements requested by municipalities or other project partners. County participation on right of way acquisition applies only to construction projects and shall be 0% for maintenance projects, except where additional right of way is required to accommodate improvements within the curb or shoulder line. Removals 100% Travel Lanes 100% Parking Lanes 25% 100% in cities under 5,000 population or in White Bear Township. 100% on maintenance pavement preservation projects. Shoulders 100% 100% of the width required to meet State Aid design standards. 100% in cities under 5,000 population or in White Bear Township. 100% on maintenance pavement preservation projects. 50% outside of the required width.