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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—MARCH 23, 2020 2 <br /> A. COVID-19 Update from State Representative <br /> Representative Kelly Moller provided the Council with an update on COVID-19. She discussed <br /> the work being done at the capitol in response to the COVID-19 crisis. She indicated the <br /> legislature was not able to meet remotely and it was not safe to meet at the State. She assured <br /> Arden Hills residents that legislators were continuing to work remotely. She described the <br /> measures the State was putting in place to assist small business owners, displaced workers and <br /> how school districts were working towards distance learning. She encouraged the public to visit <br /> the State of Minnesota's HUD and DEED websites for further information or to contact her with <br /> any questions or concerns they may have. She encouraged everyone to practice social distancing <br /> in order to assist with flattening the curve. <br /> Mayor Grant thanked Representative Moller for providing the Council with an update. He <br /> encouraged staff to add links to the State's resources to the City's website. <br /> 5. STAFF COMMENTS <br /> A. Rice Creek Commons (TCAAP) and Joint Development Authority(JDA) Update <br /> City Administrator Perrault provided an update on TCAAP stating litigation with Ramsey <br /> County was ongoing. <br /> B. COVID-19 Update <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated information regarding COVID-19 was changing rapidly. He <br /> encouraged residents to visit the City's website for the most up to date information regarding the <br /> virus. He explained Ramsey County, the State of Minnesota and the CDC websites were also <br /> valuable resources. He reported the Minnesota Department of Health also has a hotline <br /> established at 1-800-657-3903. <br /> City Administrator Perrault indicated the Mayor declared a local emergency for the City of <br /> Arden Hills. He described how the declaration would impact the City and noted it would prepare <br /> the City for County, State and Federal aid if it becomes available. He commented the City was <br /> taking the spread of the virus seriously and encouraged residents to stay home if sick. He reported <br /> normal City operations would not be interrupted. He stated City Hall is closed to the public, but <br /> City staff is available via phone or email at this time. He explained City Council meetings would <br /> continue and attendance would be conducted via telephone. <br /> 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> A. March 9, 2020, Regular City Council <br /> B. March 16, 20201 City Council Work Session <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Grant seconded a motion to <br /> approve the March 9, 2020, Regular City Council meeting minutes, and <br /> March 16, 2020, City Council Work Session meeting minutes as presented. A <br /> roll call vote was held. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br />