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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COLTNCIL WORK SESSION - APRIL 3O,2O2O <br />Councilmember Holden asked how kids programming would operate and keep socially <br />distanced as it is hard to keep kids away from one another. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom stated this certainly would be difficult, and <br />that he and Recreation Coordinator Knoll have discussed this challenge. <br />Recreation Coordinator Knoll said one option would be tennis lessons as social distancing can <br />be achieved with between two and four participants at a time on the tennis court. She stated that <br />another option would be an art camp outdoors in the parks with eight children maximum. She <br />explainedthat each child would have their own table and own art supplies that they would bring <br />home at the end of camp. <br />Councilmember Holmes asked if it would be cost effective to have one instructor for such a <br />small number of kids. <br />Recreation Coordinator Knoll agreed that some activities would not be as cost effective as <br />others <br />Mayor Grant pointed out that generally the City does not make money on recreation programs <br />but more so breaks even. <br />Councilmember Holmes asked for more information about the cost effectiveness of offering <br />these types of programs. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom stated that staff would put together <br />information pertaining to costs and anticipated revenues for tennis and arts and crafts camps. <br />Councilmember Holden asked what would happen if it rains and whether or not holding the <br />class using a video would be an option. She stated that she provided information to Recreation <br />Coordinator Knoll about offering classes or sing-a-longs via video conferencing. <br />Recreation Coordinator Knoll indicated that she received information about an online theater <br />camp that is being offered by other cities. She stated she could provide more information <br />regarding this opportunity. <br />Mayor Grant asked for a written report of the recreation information. He stated that there would <br />be no decision made at this meeting as additional information was necessary in order to make a <br />decision in the future. <br />Councilmember Holmes stated she would like staff to present a social distancing plan. <br />Councilmember McClung noted there were many specifics and concerns to work through. He <br />commented that when the Govemor was asked about summer camps, he said that "we are not <br />there yet". He said it is premature in terms of what the City might actually be able to accomplish. <br />The Council agreed to continue discussions regarding recreation programmin g at an upcoming <br />meeting upon further review of the details and costs. <br />4
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