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05-06-2020 PC
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05-06-2020 PC
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5/12/2020 9:36:26 AM
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5/12/2020 9:35:34 AM
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ATTACHMENT A: a document titled “3 April 2020 DESCRIPTION OF FAR VARIANCE REQUEST -- 3244 <br />SANDEEN ROAD”. This was emailed to Jim Day April 28, 2020 from Joe Hartman. Referring to the 396 sf <br />in part it states, “The additional square footage could be captured above the garage or in the basement”. <br />“In the basement” is confusing because that area of the structure should already be included in the <br />calculation for the FAR of this structure. So, why is a variance being requested? <br />For this structure, to be .30 FAR code compliant, the total square footage of the three floors would need <br />to be 2970sf. (.30 x 9900sf lot = 2970 sf.) We have asked the property owner and Mr. Hartman for more <br />information, specifically the square footage on each floor to provide a verification of their calculation. <br />In spite of repeated assurances from the property owner that he would be open with us and show us <br />the plans, all we have been given is an elevation diagram. This makes us very concerned that the <br />calculation is omitting livable areas that may be converted into occupied space once the planning <br />commission is no longer involved in the process and only sympathetic city officials are involved. <br />2) The requested square footage above code is simply excessive. <br />The FAR increase from .30 to .34 seems small looking at the numbers, but that equates to an increase in <br />square footage of 13% above code. <br />a. The Code- allowed house square footage is 2970. (.30 x 9900 sf. Lot = 2970) <br />b. The requested variance is 396 square feet. (396/2970 = 13%) <br /> <br />3) Question: If the square footage exceeding code is not visible from the exterior, is that a justification <br />for a variance? <br />We raise this question after getting Joe Hartmann’s statement in a letter sent to affected property <br />owners ( dated April 24, 2020) announcing the May 6th Planning Commission meeting. In part it says <br />“…the proposed home has been designed in such a way that it can capture the additional 396 sq. ft. that <br />the applicant requests without changing the envelope or appearance of the home from the exterior…” <br />Where does a “can’t see it” approval end? At … 1,000, 1500 sf.? How can the planning commission deny <br />future requests after this precedent is established? <br />4) Are all parties acting in good faith? <br />We remain very concerned about this planned construction. The owner does not seem to be negotiating <br />in good faith. At the December meeting of the Planning Commission, the new architect said that <br />detailed drawings could not be made until the constraints on the design were understood. At that <br />meeting the Planning Commission stated that the design must be in substantial compliance with the <br />FAR. Yet, even after replacing the architect, the proposed FAR variation remains what is was when the <br />house was first proposed six months ago. Finally, we are extremely concerned with a process that would <br />approve a variance when the design remains so vague, or is being concealed. At this point why is there <br />no more detail available on the design?
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