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Total <br />Nonmajor <br />Governmental <br />Special Revenue Capital Project Funds <br />Assets <br />Cash and investments 1,598,431$ 294,445$ 1,892,876$ <br />Accrued interest receivable 5,207 – 5,207 <br />Accounts receivable 27,011 4,433 31,444 <br />Taxes receivable 145,120 – 145,120 <br />Interfund receivable 18,000 – 18,000 <br />Prepaid items 214 – 214 <br />Total assets 1,793,983$ 298,878$ 2,092,861$ <br />Liabilities <br />Accounts payable 117,820$ 6,266$ 124,086$ <br />Interfund payable 18,000 204,059 222,059 <br />Total liabilities 135,820 210,325 346,145 <br />Deferred inflows of resources <br />Unavailable revenue – taxes 3,222 – 3,222 <br />Fund balances (deficits) <br />Nonspendable 214 – 214 <br />Restricted 1,096,484 – 1,096,484 <br />Committed 580,243 – 580,243 <br />Assigned – 294,445 294,445 <br />Unassigned (22,000) (205,892) (227,892) <br />Total fund balances (deficits)1,654,941 88,553 1,743,494 <br />Total liabilities, deferred inflows <br />of resources, and fund balances 1,793,983$ 298,878$ 2,092,861$ <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Nonmajor Governmental Funds <br />Combining Balance Sheet <br />as of December 31, 2019 <br />-52-