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<br />-8- <br />The following table provides a condensed version of the Statement of Activities for the year ended <br />December 31, 2019, with comparative amounts for the year ended December 31, 2018: <br /> <br />2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 <br />Revenues <br />Program revenues <br />Charges for services 1,179,448$ 954,357$ 5,170,402$ 5,000,052$ 6,349,850$ 5,954,409$ <br />Operating grants and contributions 347,823 840,634 24,752 27,429 372,575 868,063 <br />Capital grants and contributions 613,263 2,494,823 332,092 735,220 945,355 3,230,043 <br />General revenues <br />Property taxes 3,793,754 3,578,894 – – 3,793,754 3,578,894 <br />Tax increment collections 388,697 351,569 – – 388,697 351,569 <br />Franchise taxes 100,464 101,237 – – 100,464 101,237 <br />Unrestricted investment earnings 322,346 159,316 53,680 40,371 376,026 199,687 <br />Total revenues 6,745,795 8,480,830 5,580,926 5,803,072 12,326,721 14,283,902 <br />Expenses <br />General government 1,337,262 1,286,845 – – 1,337,262 1,286,845 <br />Public safety 2,471,567 2,248,540 – – 2,471,567 2,248,540 <br />Public works 1,416,785 1,695,449 – – 1,416,785 1,695,449 <br />Parks and recreation 798,717 765,843 – – 798,717 765,843 <br />Economic development 369,256 391,156 – – 369,256 391,156 <br />Water – – 2,295,820 2,147,359 2,295,820 2,147,359 <br />Sewer – – 1,663,498 1,654,079 1,663,498 1,654,079 <br />Surface water management – – 513,209 499,049 513,209 499,049 <br />Recycling – – 172,232 168,145 172,232 168,145 <br />Total expenses 6,393,587 6,387,833 4,644,759 4,468,632 11,038,346 10,856,465 <br />Increase (decrease) in net position <br /> before transfers 352,208 2,092,997 936,167 1,334,440 1,288,375 3,427,437 <br />Transfers 83,402 300,000 (83,402) (300,000) – – <br />Increase in net position 435,610 2,392,997 852,765 1,034,440 1,288,375 3,427,437 <br />Net position – beginning 36,720,332 34,327,335 18,625,184 17,590,744 55,345,516 51,918,079 <br />Net position – ending 37,155,942$ 36,720,332$ 19,477,949$ 18,625,184$ 56,633,891$ 55,345,516$ <br />Activities Activities Total <br />Table 2 <br />Changes in Net Position <br />Years Ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 <br />Governmental Business-Type <br /> <br />Governmental Activities – Current year operating results of governmental activities increased net <br />position by $435,610, compared to an increase of $2,392,997 in the prior year. The significant change <br />from the prior year was mainly due to a decrease in operating and capital grants and contributions. The <br />City recognized more operating and capital grants and contributions in the prior year related to joint <br />projects with other governmental entities. <br /> <br />Business-Type Activities – Current year operating results of business-type activities increased net <br />position by $852,765, due to positive results of the utility operations of the City. Program revenues <br />exceeded program expenses for each of the City’s business-type activities, except recycling.