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Operating Capital <br />Charges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Business-Type <br />Expenses Services Contributions Contributions Activities Activities Total <br />Functions/programs <br />Primary government <br />Governmental activities <br />General government 1,337,262$ 250,643$ 142,253$ 27$ (944,339)$ –$ (944,339)$ <br />Public safety 2,471,567 817,238 109,059 33,923 (1,511,347) – (1,511,347) <br />Public works 1,416,785 5,250 93,297 579,313 (738,925) – (738,925) <br />Parks and recreation 798,717 106,317 3,214 – (689,186) – (689,186) <br />Economic development 369,256 – – – (369,256) – (369,256) <br />Total governmental 6,393,587 1,179,448 347,823 613,263 (4,253,053) – (4,253,053) <br /> activities <br />Business-type activities 2,295,820 2,286,542 398 125,430 – 116,550 116,550 <br />Water 1,663,498 1,892,740 455 206,662 – 436,359 436,359 <br />Sewer 513,209 850,971 302 – – 338,064 338,064 <br />Surface water management 172,232 140,149 23,597 – – (8,486) (8,486) <br />Recycling <br />Total business-type <br /> activities 4,644,759 5,170,402 24,752 332,092 – 882,487 882,487 <br />Total primary <br /> government 11,038,346$ 6,349,850$ 372,575$ 945,355$ (4,253,053) 882,487 (3,370,566) <br />General revenues <br />Property taxes 3,793,754 – 3,793,754 <br />Tax increment collections 388,697 – 388,697 <br />Franchise taxes 100,464 – 100,464 <br />Unrestricted investment earnings 322,346 53,680 376,026 <br />Transfers 83,402 (83,402) – <br />Total general revenues and transfers 4,688,663 (29,722) 4,658,941 <br />Change in net position 435,610 852,765 1,288,375 <br />Net position – beginning 36,720,332 18,625,184 55,345,516 <br />Net position – ending 37,155,942$ 19,477,949$ 56,633,891$ <br />Program Revenues Changes in Net Position <br />Net (Expense) Revenue and <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Statement of Activities <br />Year Ended December 31, 2019 <br />See notes to basic financial statements -15-