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Surface Internal <br />Water Nonmajor Service <br />Water Sewer Management Recycling Totals Funds <br />Cash flows from operating activities <br />Receipts from customers and users 2,251,460$ 1,864,771$ 850,399$ 138,694$ 5,105,324$ 609,335$ <br />Payments to suppliers (1,787,721) (1,046,591) (136,981) (122,489) (3,093,782) (573,579) <br />Payments to employees (304,885) (379,696) (213,937) (35,191) (933,709) (30,864) <br />Payments for interfund services used (58,514) (60,547) (39,756) (4,334) (163,151) – <br />Net cash flows from operating activities 100,340 377,937 459,725 (23,320) 914,682 4,892 <br />Cash flows from noncapital financing activities <br />Grants received 398 455 302 23,597 24,752 – <br />Cash paid to other funds – – (26,268) – (26,268) – <br />Cash received from other funds 26,268 – – – 26,268 – <br />Transfers out (100,000) (126,000) (74,000) – (300,000) – <br />Net cash flows from noncapital <br /> financing activities (73,334) (125,545) (99,966) 23,597 (275,248) – <br />Cash flows from capital and related <br /> financing activities <br />Proceeds from sales of capital assets – 1,000 – – 1,000 – <br />Acquisition and construction of capital assets (696,781) (100,544) (333,308) – (1,130,633) – <br />Capital contributions 500,000 64,532 – – 564,532 – <br />Capital contributions – connection fees received 125,430 142,130 – – 267,560 – <br />Interest paid (81,594) (12,694) – – (94,288) – <br />Net cash flows from noncapital <br /> financing activities (152,945) 94,424 (333,308) – (391,829) – <br />Cash flows from investing activities <br />Earnings on investments 35,704 9,506 6,959 3,454 55,623 12,305 <br />Net change in cash and cash equivalents (90,235) 356,322 33,410 3,731 303,228 17,197 <br />Cash and cash equivalents – beginning 1,310,726 32,334 – 142,824 1,485,884 415,668 <br />Cash and cash equivalents – ending 1,220,491$ 388,656$ 33,410$ 146,555$ 1,789,112$ 432,865$ <br />Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net <br /> cash flows from operating activities <br />Operating income (loss)56,275$ 269,652$ 337,762$ (32,083)$ 631,606$ (63,940)$ <br />Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) <br /> to net cash flows from operating activities <br />Depreciation 285,246 180,169 108,167 – 573,582 – <br />Decrease (increase) in customer receivables (35,082) (27,969) (572) (1,455) (65,078) – <br />Decrease (increase) in prepaid items (275) (275) (275) – (825) – <br />Decrease (increase) in inventory 1,021 – – – 1,021 – <br />Decrease (increase) in deferred outflows 2,509 2,290 3,105 – 7,904 – <br />Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (32,986) (72,891) 8,202 (2,556) (100,231) 68,087 <br />Increase (decrease) in salaries payable (6,806) (8,091) (4,819) (607) (20,323) (488) <br />Increase (decrease) in due to other governments (187,512) 13,745 (162) 13,001 (160,928) 1,392 <br />Increase (decrease) in net pension liability 35,410 41,506 23,003 – 99,919 – <br />Increase (decrease) in compensated absences <br /> payable 1,738 1,890 1,236 380 5,244 (159) <br />Increase (decrease) in deferred inflows (19,198) (22,089) (15,922) – (57,209) – <br />Total adjustments 44,065 108,285 121,963 8,763 283,076 68,832 <br />Net cash flows from operating activities 100,340$ 377,937$ 459,725$ (23,320)$ 914,682$ 4,892$ <br />Noncash investing, capital, and financing activities <br />Capital asset purchased on account (568,808)$ –$ (32,960)$ –$ (601,768)$ –$ <br />Capital contributions – 216,598 – – 216,598 – <br />Due from other governmental units <br />Contribution (500,000) – – – (500,000) – <br />Amortization of bond premium (discount)13,458 2,100 – – 15,558 – <br />Business-Type Activities – Enterprise Funds <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Statement of Cash Flows <br />Proprietary Funds <br />Year Ended December 31, 2019 <br />See notes to basic financial statements -21-