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<br />-33- <br />NOTE 3 – CAPITAL ASSETS <br /> <br />Capital asset activity for the year ended December 31, 2019 was as follows: <br /> <br />A. Governmental Activities <br /> <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Governmental activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Land 2,679,818$ –$ –$ –$ 2,679,818$ <br />Construction in progress 5,350,261 705,663 – (918,160) 5,137,764 <br />Total capital assets, not being depreciated 8,030,079 705,663 – (918,160) 7,817,582 <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 6,691,754 – (25,788) 301,808 6,967,774 <br />Infrastructure and improvements 17,720,976 – – 616,352 18,337,328 <br />Machinery and equipment 971,195 112,069 (145,175) – 938,089 <br />Office furniture and equipment 153,553 – – – 153,553 <br />Vehicles 2,022,167 61,147 (55,553) – 2,027,761 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated 27,559,645 173,216 (226,516) 918,160 28,424,505 <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures 3,286,884 180,475 (25,788) – 3,441,571 <br />Infrastructure and improvements 3,867,902 415,217 – – 4,283,119 <br />Machinery and equipment 670,374 68,761 (145,175) – 593,960 <br />Office furniture and equipment 109,227 12,910 – – 122,137 <br />Vehicles 682,439 182,414 (52,465) – 812,388 <br />Total accumulated depreciation 8,616,826 859,777 (223,428) – 9,253,175 <br />Total capital assets being depreciated – net 18,942,819 (686,561) (3,088) 918,160 19,171,330 <br />Governmental activities capital assets – net 26,972,898$ 19,102$ (3,088)$ –$ 26,988,912$ <br /> B. Business-Type Activities <br /> <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Business-type activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Construction in progress 3,328,994$ 521,360$ –$ (657,186)$ 3,193,168$ <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 835,040 – – – 835,040 <br />Distribution and collection systems 24,385,397 – – 657,186 25,042,583 <br />Machinery and equipment 806,772 224,103 (475,647) – 555,228 <br />Office furniture and equipment 8,415 – – – 8,415 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated 26,035,624 224,103 (475,647) 657,186 26,441,266 <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures 171,806 41,544 – – 213,350 <br />Distribution and collection systems 8,588,093 523,293 – – 9,111,386 <br />Machinery and equipment 728,436 8,745 (444,429) – 292,752 <br />Office furniture and equipment 8,415 – – – 8,415 <br />Total accumulated depreciation 9,496,750 573,582 (444,429) – 9,625,903 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated – net 16,538,874 (349,479) (31,218) 657,186 16,815,363 <br />Business-type activities capital assets – net 19,867,868$ 171,881$ (31,218)$ –$ 20,008,531$ <br />