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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION—May 6, 2020 2 <br /> City Council meeting. The Subject Property is currently a vacant lot, zoned R-2, Single and Two <br /> Family Residential District, and is guided as Low Density Residential on the land use plan. <br /> Associate Planner Hartmann reported according to the Applicants' narrative submitted as a <br /> part of their application, the home has been designed in such a way that it can capture the <br /> additional 396 sq. ft. that the Applicant requests without changing the envelope or appearance of <br /> the home from the exterior; which could be built by right. The Applicants are requesting to <br /> incorporate more livable space above the garage and in the basement. The proposed spaces <br /> would be otherwise used for storage and would meet applicable building codes to not be included <br /> within the FAR Calculation. Without the variance the space above the garage would be <br /> accessible from the garage via a drop down stair. There will no changes required to the exterior <br /> of the property to meet their request for a greater FAR. <br /> Associate Planner Hartmann explained the Planning Commission is being asked to determine <br /> if a variance request for flexibility with the FAR requirement should be approved. The sketches <br /> that have been submitted show that the extra livable space would be wholly within the principle <br /> structure. The evaluation of the proposal should be based on the District Provisions in Section <br /> 1320 and the Requirements for a Variance in Section 1355.04, Subd. 4. <br /> Associate Planner Hartmann reviewed the surrounding area, the Plan Evaluation and provided <br /> the Findings of Fact for review: <br /> 1. City Staff received a land use application for a variance request to increase the allowable <br /> FAR on a single family dwelling at the Subject Property 3244 Sandeen Road. <br /> 2. A single-family detached dwelling is a permitted use in the R-2 district. <br /> 3. The Subject Property is non-conforming with the R-2 districts standards for minimum lot <br /> width and area requirements. <br /> 4. The proposed additional floor area would be below grade and wholly within the principal <br /> structure of the house. <br /> 5. The proposed development of the subject parcel would conform to all other requirements <br /> and standards of the R-2 district. <br /> 6. A variance may be granted if enforcement of a provision in the zoning ordinance would <br /> cause the landowner practical difficulties. <br /> 7. Variances are only permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and <br /> intent of the ordinance. <br /> Associate Planner Hartmann stated staff recommends approval of Planning Case 20-008 for a <br /> Variance at 3244 Sandeen Road, based on the findings of fact and the submitted plans, as <br /> amended by the conditions below: <br /> 1. A Building Permit shall be issued prior to commencement of construction. <br /> 2. The proposed building shall conform to all other standards and regulations in the City <br /> Code. <br /> Associate Planner Hartmann reviewed the options available to the Planning Commission on <br /> this matter: <br /> 1. Recommend Approval with Conditions <br />