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06-03-2020 PC
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06-03-2020 PC
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION—May 6, 2020 7 <br /> Chair Gehrig thanked Commissioner Lambeth for clarifying the disconnect. He asked how the <br /> Commission would like to proceed. <br /> Commissioner Jones stated he supported moving the item forward. <br /> Commissioner Wicklund was in agreement. <br /> Commissioner Wicklund moved and Commissioner Jones seconded a motion to <br /> recommend approval of Planning Case 20-008 for a Variance at 3244 Sandeen Road based <br /> on the findings of fact and the submitted plans, as amended by the two (2) conditions in the <br /> May 6, 2020, report to the Planning Commission. <br /> Commissioner Lambeth stated he supported this project moving forward. However, he <br /> requested in the future that all variance requests include all information submitted by the <br /> applicant so the item can be properly considered by the Planning Commission. <br /> A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried unanimously (7-0). <br /> B. Planning Case 20-004; 1741 Venus Avenue — Variance Requested — No Public <br /> Hearing Required <br /> Associate Planner Hartmann stated the Applicants are requesting a variance to replace a deck <br /> in the front yard of their single-family detached dwelling on the Subject Property that also serves <br /> as the front door entrance to the house given the unique topography of the parcel. The front yard <br /> property line is 40 feet from the house and thus the proposed deck is 28 feet from the property <br /> line. The Subject Property is zoned R-1, Single Residential District and is guided as Low Density <br /> Residential on the land use plan. <br /> Associate Planner Hartmann reported the Applicants are proposing to replace the design <br /> instead of repairing the current structure. According to the Applicants' narrative submitted as a <br /> part of their application, the proposed plan is to replace the deck and walkway which is original <br /> to the house. The decking is failing due to rotting wood after over 50 years in service and some <br /> of the current two-by-four support structure is not up to current state building code standards for <br /> decks. <br /> Associate Planner Hartmann explained the Applicants argue that the deck is an essential <br /> feature of the house, as it provides the only access to the front door and the plan they propose <br /> does not extend any farther toward the front lot line than the current deck and adjoining stone <br /> stairs, nor is the proposed deck any higher than the current deck, which would preserve <br /> neighborhood character. The proposal also removes a section of the deck to the west of the front <br /> door which partially blocks of the egress window on the ground level. The Applicants' plan <br /> increases the area in front of the front door to make the front door more accessible and to create a <br /> space in the front of the house they argue will support neighborly engagement. <br /> Associate Planner Hartmann commented the Planning Commission is being asked to <br /> determine if a variance request for flexibility with the front setback requirement should be <br /> approved for the deck and "bridge" walkway. The sketches that have been submitted show that <br /> the replacement walkway would be the same size and length as the current walkway, but the <br />
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