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<br /> <br /> <br />2004 Assessment Policy – Page 7 <br />C. Petition <br /> <br />Petition shall mean a written document presented to the City Council for purpose of initiating <br />a public improvement project. The address of each signatory, the date of the signature and a <br />printing of each signatory's name shall accompany all signatures. <br /> <br /> <br />D. Total Project Cost <br /> <br />Total project cost shall mean the total estimated construction cost plus all associated <br />overhead costs. Overhead costs shall include, but not be limited to, City administration, <br />engineering, legal, fiscal, and interest during construction and land acquisition. <br /> <br /> <br />E. Assessment Period <br /> <br />The length of payment period of various types of improvement projects shall be as follows: <br /> <br /> ▪ Mill and Overlay = 5 years <br /> ▪ Street Reconstruction = 10 years <br /> <br />In the case where several areas of the improvements listed above are included in the same <br />project, the assessment period shall be determined by the City Council. In no event shall an <br />assessment period exceed ten (10) years. <br /> <br /> <br />F. Municipal State-Aid Streets <br /> <br />Municipal State-Aid Streets are routes designated by the City Council and approved by the <br />Commissioner of Transportation for inclusion in the City's State-Aid system. All routes <br />typically begin and end on another municipal state-aid road, county state-aid road, or trunk <br />highway. <br /> <br />The criteria used in selecting such routes are as follows: <br /> <br />▪ The route is projected to carry a relatively heavier traffic volume or is functionally <br />classified as collector or arterial as identified on the City's functional plan as <br />approved by the City Council; and, <br /> <br />▪ The route connects the points of a major traffic interest within the City; and, <br /> <br />▪ The route provides an integrated street system affording, within practical limits, a <br />state-aid street network consistent with projected traffic demands. <br />