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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – MAY 18, 2020 5 <br /> <br />Mayor Grant felt that Arden Hills shouldn’t waive City fees. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding park dedication fees. It was ultimately decided to be sure the <br />purchase agreement was worded in such a way that the City could impose or reduce the park <br />dedication fees at a later date. It was acknowledged that park dedication fees can be waived if the <br />fire department purchased the property, but if another entity purchases it then park dedication fees <br />would apply. The other parcel would also pay a park dedication fee if it were to be developed. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung asked about the purchase agreement closing and contingency dates, if <br />they find something unexpected can they terminate the agreement? <br /> <br />Chief Boehlke replied that was correct. He noted that soil borings have been done and results are <br />forthcoming. The architect has been in contact with Rice Creek Watershed about the wetlands. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung asked what things they would be able to do at the new station that <br />they can’t do at the current stations, as well as architectural improvements that will make things <br />safer for the firefighters. <br /> <br />Chief Boehlke responded that live fire training is done in Maplewood. The new station would <br />have training for ropes, fire simulations etc. The layout would incorporate safety measures for <br />hot, warm and cold zones for decontamination. The building is expected to last 50+ years. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant asked if the Council wanted Chief Boehlke and the Fire Board to move forward <br />with the purchase agreement. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden said she felt it wouldn’t be possible to build a new station in 2022 as <br />suggested by the memo. <br /> <br />Chief Boehlke replied that the timing of the building is dependent on the three cities in the <br />agreement. <br /> <br />City Administrator Perrault noted the date in the packet was arbitrary. All three cities <br />understood the date could be changed. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung said that acquiring the land was the important thing, followed by <br />starting the discussion of when to build. He felt the Fire Board and all three cities are on board it <br />won’t happen. <br /> <br />Chief Boehlke added that there may be a recommendation from the Board but all three cities need <br />to be able to fund their portions of the project. He would expect the City Councils to discuss the <br />timing of the build. <br /> <br />City Administrator Perrault commented that an item in the agreement between the cities could <br />say that construction will not begin without agreement between the three cities. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant noted there was no pushback from the Council on the purchase of the property. <br />
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