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Ordinance 2011-009 <br /> 1. The compaction of the subbase and aggregate base; and <br /> 2. The replacement, in kind, of the existing pavement for a <br /> minimum of two feet beyond the edges of the excavation in all <br /> directions. A "Patch" is considered full restoration only when <br /> the pavement is included in the City's five year project plan. <br /> AA. Pavement. Any type of improved surface that is within the public <br /> right-of-way and that is paved or otherwise constructed with <br /> bituminous, concrete, aggregate or gravel. <br /> BB. Permit. The meaning given "right-of-way permit" in M.S. § 237.162, <br /> as amended from time to time. <br /> CC. Permittee. Any person to whom a permit to excavate or obstruct a <br /> right-of-way has been granted by the City under this section. <br /> DD. Person. An individual or entity subject to the laws and rules of this <br /> state, however organized, whether public or private, whether <br /> domestic or foreign, whether for profit or nonprofit, and whether <br /> natural, corporate or political. <br /> EE. Probation. The status of a person that has not complied with the <br /> conditions of this section. <br /> FF. Probationary Period. One year from the date that a person has been <br /> notified in writing that they have been put on probation. <br /> GG. Registrant. Any person who: <br /> Page 6 of 15 <br />