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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JULY 13,2020 10 <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom indicated staff had erred on the side of <br /> caution allowing the seasonals to go home until the test results were known. <br /> Mayor Grant indicated he would like staff to answer Councilmember Holmes question and <br /> explain why a Council recommendation had not been followed. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom stated he did not have an adequate <br /> explanation. He reported starting today he would be holding firm on this policy and there would <br /> be no more than four Public Works staff working together on a project. <br /> Councilmember Holmes indicated she would like to understand why staff sent the seasonal <br /> workers home. <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated he could answer this question offline and not in a public <br /> forum. <br /> Mayor Grant requested staff call each of the Councilmembers and provide an explanation to <br /> Councilmember Holmes' question. <br /> City Administrator Perrault reported he would complete this task. He asked if the Council <br /> wanted City Hall to remain closed. <br /> Councilmember Holden recommended City Hall remain closed. <br /> Mayor Grant supported this recommendation in order to keep City employees safe and healthy. <br /> The Council was in agreement. <br /> i <br /> 2. COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS <br /> Councilmember McClung reported as of July I"New Brighton would be providing mutual aid <br /> to the Lake Johanna Fire Department. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned when the chicken issue would be on an agenda. <br /> City Administrator Perrault anticipated this would be addressed in August. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested staff not send emails after 12:00 p.m. on Monday with <br /> information for the meeting that would be held that evening. <br /> ADJOURN <br /> Mayor Grant adjourned the Special City Council Work Session at 7:03 p.m. <br /> Jul' Hanson David Grant <br /> Ci Clerk Mayor <br />