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Inside this issue: <br />Dividing Up Your Tax Dollar 1 <br />Organization Chart 1 <br />General Fund 2 <br />Special Revenue Funds 3 <br />Long-Term Debt 3 <br />Internal Service Funds 3 <br />Capital Funds 4 <br />Enterprise Funds 4 <br />Cost of City Services 4 <br />Property Taxes & Homes Values 5 <br />Demographics 6 <br />For the year ended December 31, 2019 <br />1245 W Hwy 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 <br />651-792-7800 <br /> <br />The City of Arden Hills is proud to present its Popular Annual Financial Report [PAFR]. The <br />purpose of this report is to inform the community of the City’s financial activity in a sim- <br />ple, easy-to-read format for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. These highlights <br />are based upon the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report [CAFR] which is a more <br />inclusive, audited document. <br />In order for Arden Hills to manage the community finances smoothly, it divides various <br />activities into several different funds. <br />The General Fund accounts for revenues <br />and expenditures that provide for basic <br />operations of the City, i.e., administration, <br />police & fire, street & park maintenance, <br />recreation, community development and <br />planning. <br />Special Revenue Funds account for <br />activities restricted to specific purposes <br />like economic development. <br />Debt Service Funds track revenues <br />and expenses related to repayment of long <br />term debt. <br />The Capital Fund collects revenues from <br />special assessments, state, and county <br />aids and allots them toward construction <br />or major capital expenses. <br />Enterprise Funds account for activities <br />that operate as public enterprises which <br />are paid for by user fees, i.e., water, recy- <br />cling, sewer and surface water manage- <br />ment. <br />Internal Service Funds account for the <br />acquisition, operation, and maintenance <br />of governmental facilities and services, <br />which are entirely or predominately self- <br />supported by user charges to other gov- <br />ernmental funds. <br />Ramsey County <br />47¢ <br />City of <br />Arden Hills <br />23¢ <br />School District <br />23¢ Other Agencies <br />7¢ <br />Dividing Up Your Property Tax Dollar <br />Your tax dollar is divided up be- <br />tween several governmental enti- <br />ties. Arden Hills collects 23 cents <br />of every tax dollar for City ser- <br />vices. The remaining portions are <br />divided among Ramsey County, <br />the school district and other agen- <br />cies. <br />Department Organization Chart <br />City of Arden Hills, Minnesota <br />Popular Annual Financial Report <br />To The Community <br /> <br /> <br />City Departments <br />Administration: This department provides the overall direction for the City as determined by the City Council. It is responsible for maintaining City records, issuing licenses, administering Council policies, and over-seeing election procedures. <br />Finance: This department conducts the financial affairs of the City of Arden Hills in accordance with the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and the Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP). <br />Community Development: This department is responsible for ensuring that laws, ordinances, and zoning codes are enforced. It is also responsible for economic development within the City. <br />Public Works: This department manages the City’s infrastructure as it relates to roadways, water, sewer, and surface water management. <br />Parks & Recreation: This department is responsible for providing recreation activities in the City and maintaining the City’s parks and trails. <br />General Fund <br />The City’s General Fund is the largest fund and is also one of the most vital to the City’s operation. The General Fund <br />is the primary fund that accounts for everyday general expenditures like street and park maintenance, public safety, <br />and administrative services. Like most funds, the General Fund relies on the inflow of cash, shown as revenues and <br />subsequently the outflow listed as expenditures. <br />The City’s total General Fund expenditures for 2019 were $4,769,691 which was $367,609 (7.2%) under the final <br />budget. Overall, General Fund expenditures increased by $408,062 (9.4%) from 2018. Public Safety costs increased <br />$310,951 (926.0%) and Public Works costs increased by $52,996 (9.4%). The chart below highlights the amount <br />funded by each of the City’s functions. <br />The primary revenue for the General Fund is property taxes. Intergovernmental revenues are items like state or <br />county aids and grants. For year end 2019, the City’s revenue total was $5,424,905 which was a $542,224 (11.1%) <br />increase from the previous year. Licenses & permits and other increased $188,086 and $116,077, respectively, due <br />to increased building activity and interest earnings in the current year. <br />City of Arden Hills Popular Annual Finance Report Page 2 <br /> 2018 2019 <br />Property Taxes $3,578,628 $3,795,624 <br />Special Assessments 5,362 772 <br />Licenses/Permits 526,444 714,530 <br />Intergovernmental 149,097 162,041 <br />Charges for Services 427,905 440,616 <br />Other 195,245 311,322 <br />Total General Fund Revenues $4,882,681 $5,424,905 <br /> 2018 2019 <br />General Government $1,039,772 $1,058,275 <br />Public Safety 2,088,345 2,399,296 <br />Public Works 579,535 632,531 <br />Parks & Recreation 653,977 679,589 <br />Total General Fund Expenditures $4,361,629 $4,769,691 <br />Revenues <br />Expenditures