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TEMPLATE <br />Last Updated 6/4/2009 <br />d. Copies of all contracts entered into for the construction, renovation or purchase of facilities <br />financed with tax-exempt proceeds. <br />e. Records of expenditures reimbursements incurred prior to issuing bonds for facilities <br />financed with tax-exempt proceeds (Declaration of Official Intent/Reimbursement <br />Resolutions including all modifications)_ <br />f. List of all facilities and equipment financed with tax-exempt proceeds. <br />g. Depreciation schedules for depreciable property financed with tax-exempt proceeds. <br />h. Documentation that tracks the purchase and sale of assets financed with tax-exempt <br />proceeds. <br />i_ Documentation of timely payment of principal and interest payments on the tax-exempt <br />debt obligation. <br />j. Tracking of all issue proceeds and the transfer of proceeds into the debt service fund as <br />appropriate. <br />k. Documentation that excess earnings from a Reserve Fund is transferred to the Debt Service <br />Fund on an annual basis. Excess earnings are balances in a Reserve Fund that exceed the <br />Reserve Fund requirement. <br />5. Miscellaneous Documentation to be Assembled and Retained <br />a. Procedures to ensure that the project, while the tax-exempt debt obligation is outstanding, <br />will avoid IRS private business concerns. <br />b. Changes in the project that impact the terms or commitments of the tax-exempt debt <br />obligation are properly documented and necessary certificates or opinions are on file. <br />6. Additional Undertaking and Activities that Support Sections 1 through 4 above <br />a. The Finance Director will notify the City of Arden Hills Bond Counsel, Financial Advisor <br />and Arbitrage Provider of any survey or inquiry by the IRS immediately upon receipt <br />(Usually responses require the review of the above mentioned data and must be in writing. <br />• As much time as possible is helpful in preparing the response). <br />b. The Finance Director will consult with the City of Arden Hills Bond Counsel, Financial <br />Advisor and Arbitrage Provider before engaging in post -issuance credit enhancement <br />transactions (i.e. bond insurance, letter of credit, or hedging transactions (i.e. interest rate <br />swap, cap). <br />c. The Finance Director will monitor all "qualified tax-exempt debt obligations" within the <br />first calendar year to determine if the limit is exceeded, and if exceeded, will address <br />accordingly. The limit is currently $10,000,000. <br />d. Comply with Continuing Disclosure Requirements <br />i. If applicable, the timely filing of annual information agreed to in the Continuing <br />Disclosure Certificate. <br />ii. Give notice of any Material Event. <br />e. Identify any post -issuance change to terms of bonds which could be treated as a current <br />refunding of `old" bonds by "new" bonds, often referred to as a "reissuance". <br />f Confirm whether any "remedial action" in connection with a "change of use" must be <br />treated as a "reissuance". <br />7_ Compliance with Future Requirements <br />a. Take measure to comply with any future requirements issued beyond the date of these Post - <br />Issuance Debt Compliance Procedures which are essential to preserving the tax-exempt <br />status of this tax-exempt debt obligation. <br />�I <br />