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ARDEN HILLS CITY COI-INCIL _ JULY 27,2020 l0 <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom commented on the 19 locations that were <br />identified during televising. He reported the City was recommending repairing the portions of the <br />service where it connects to the main within the street. <br />Councilmember McCIung questioned what direction staff was seeking from the Council. <br />Public Works Director/Cify Engineer Blomstrom reported by passing and adopting the <br />Resolution the Council would be accepting the Feasibility Report and would also be calling for a <br />public hearing on September 14, 2A20. This would allow staff to send notices to the impacted <br />properties to notiff them of the proposed assessment on their property. <br />Mayor Grant commented this would meant the City Council would have to make a <br />determination on Prior Avenue. <br />Councilmember Holden agreed the Council should make this determination tonight. She <br />recommended the cost of Prior Avenue improvements not be included in the special assessment <br />calculation for this project. She supported the City using the same logic with Prior Avenue as it <br />does for Snelling Avenue- <br />Mayor Grant explained the City's policy states the Council can make a determination within the <br />guidelines of the assessment policy. <br />Councilmemher Scott supported the City excluding Prior Avenue from the assessments. <br />Mayor Grant stated in the past the City had a non-assessable street fund for streets like this. He <br />indicated he supported excluding Prior Avenue from the assessments. <br />Councilmember McClung commented this would be a big hit to the PIR fund. <br />Councilmemher Holmes stated she would support the inclusion of Prior Avenue because of the <br />big hit the PIR fund would take. She questioned if the City's assessment policy allowed for the <br />exclusion of certain roadways from street improvement projects if there were no addresses along <br />that roadway. <br />Mayor Grant explained he reviewed the assessment policy with Director Blomstrom this <br />afternoon. <br />Puhlic Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom reviewed the assessment policy in further <br />detail with the Council. <br />Councilmember Holmes thanked staff for the clarification. She indicated she supported Prior <br />Avenue being excluded from assessments. <br />Councilmember Holden discussed the hardship that would be placed on the homeowners within <br />this project area if the Prior Avenue expense was included in the assessment roll.