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Safety Analysis at Snelling Ave. & Hamline Ave. <br />Intersection Operations and Crashes <br />•Between 2016 and 2018, there were 5 crashes at this intersection involving vehicles in the southbound left turn lane or turning left across Snelling. One of these was a fatal crash (2017). <br />•By closing the left turn lane, traffic will reroute to intersections that are controlled by signals, providing drivers a safer option to turn left. <br />•As traffic increases over time, there are fewer opportunities for vehicles making a southbound left to find a gap in traffic to make their turn. This may cause people to take risks that lead to more serious crashes. <br />•Before the closure, vehicles queued beyond the end of the left turn lane and into the southbound through lane, risking dangerous, high-speed, rear-end crashes. Cars turning south from Old Snelling had little distance to weave across the road to the left turn lane-another crash risk. <br />7/14/2020 8