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Page 3 of 3 <br />warrant is met, a roundabout should also be considered as a traffic control device. All-way stop <br />warrants are currently met for this intersection, therefore the ICE report concluded that installation <br />of a roundabout is considered to be justified and recommended at the intersection of Snelling <br />Avenue North and County Road E. <br />Council Direction <br />There are two key issues to consider when evaluating the need for proposed improvements to the <br />intersection of Snelling Avenue North and County Road E. The first issue involves the elevated <br />rate and severity of crashes that occurred from January 2013 and December 2015. The second <br />issue is that actual traffic volume data does not necessarily indicate a functional issue at the <br />intersection, yet field observations noted in the ICE report indicate that the intersections performs <br />poorly during the PM peak hour. <br />1.Given this information, does the City Council wish to have staff work with the consultant and <br />Ramsey County to conduct further analysis of more current crash data from 2016 to 2019 and <br />determine if the same elevated crash rates persist, also revising the traffic analysis model using <br />more current traffic volume data that may have been collected in 2018 and 2019? <br />2.Alternatively, should staff continue forward with planning and design of a single lane <br />roundabout for construction in 2022 in conjunction with Snelling Avenue road improvements, <br />assuming that the findings and recommendations within the ICE report are still valid? <br />3.Does the Council have other street improvement priorities that would cause the City to request <br />that the intersection improvements be shifted to the year 2025 or later due to limited funds? <br />4.Has the Council observed significant traffic delay or long queuing problems at this intersection <br />within the past five years, prior to COVID-19 traffic patterns? <br />Budget Impact <br />The Ramsey County 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program includes funding for <br />roadway improvements at the intersection of Snelling Avenue North and County Road E in the <br />amount of $2,090,000. The City’s draft capital planning efforts includes anticipated City funding <br />in the amount of $500,000 for this intersection improvement in 2026, excluding costs for water and <br />sanitary sewer improvements and assuming minimal additional right-of-way acquisition is <br />necessary for the project. <br />Attachments <br />Attachment A: Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Report <br />Attachment B: Cooperative Agreement with Ramsey County
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