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7550 MERIDIAN CIR N, SUITE 120 | MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 PAGE 5 OF 8 <br />structures, infrastructure, or property. Eroded materials from these bank failures travel downstream <br />and settle into to the Oasis Pond, an RCWD constructed and maintained facility. This results in a <br />shorter time period between maintenance projects, thereby increasing costs of maintenance. <br />Because a pond upstream of County Road C captures large sediments in RCD 4 upstream of the <br />project area, we understand that the most significant factor in reducing the need for maintenance of <br />Oasis Pond is sediment delivered from the upstream open channel segment of RCD 4. Therefore, <br />the proposed project to replace open channel with stormsewer will reduce the amount of sediment <br />delivered to Oasis Pond, and reduce the frequency RCWD is required to dredge the pond. In 2010, <br />25 years after the previous pond dredging, the RCWD dredged Oasis Pond at a cost of $141,590. <br />Adjusting for inflation and additional site constraints between 2010 and 2020, the current estimate to <br />dredge Oasis Pond is $185,000. Based on previous dredging efforts, we estimate a 25-year life cycle <br />between maintenance dredging of Oasis Pond, presuming no improvements are made to RCD 4 and <br />the ditch remains an open channel. <br />We estimate the proposed project will increase the lifespan of Oasis Pond to approximately 50 years. <br />Therefore, converting the proposed project eliminates the need for an equivalent of two dredging <br />projects on this facility over a 100-year period. Per RCWD policy, maintenance of District Facilities is <br />funded via ad valorem. <br />INCREASE IN PROPERTY VALUE <br />Replacing the open channel with stormsewer will require less ROW area to inspect, access, and <br />maintain. The current ROW corridor for RCD 4 within the project area is 110-120 feet wide. This <br />ROW is an encumbrance on the property, which limits use within the ROW. <br />The ROW required to access and maintain the proposed stormsewer at this location in RCD 4 is <br />estimated to be 30 feet, based on the use of trench boxes during major maintenance operations. The <br />reduced ROW will increase the useable area on each parcel within the ROW, and thus increase the <br />property value. <br />The increased value on encumbered properties by reducing the ROW was estimated by determining <br />the per-acre land value of those properties (via Ramsey County parcel data) and multiplying by the <br />decrease in ROW area.Table 3 details the calculation for reducing the ROW and change in <br />Estimated Market Value (EMV). Total land value change resulting from the project is estimated at <br />$2,319,214. The primary beneficiaries of this change in land value are the landowners along this <br />portion of the system. <br />Additionally, though still encumbered by the drainage system, the remaining ROW following the <br />proposed project will provide additional value to the City in the form of a greenway (as proposed in <br />City planning documents). Using the same per-acre land value of the surrounding land, the value to <br />the City for the usability of this acreage is $830,034.
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